20.07.2010, 15:25
Last edited by snoob; 20/07/2010 at 03:37 PM.
Reason: sig missing
simple news ticker.
This script will add a news ticker at the bottom of your screen. Those line hide 1 by one after a certain time.
to send some news from other filterscript or your game mode I recomend you to use this macro:
This way, if the news ticker script is not loaded, the text will be sent as a client message.
video demo:
the script:
also available from http://snoob-community.wikispaces.com/News+ticker
This script will add a news ticker at the bottom of your screen. Those line hide 1 by one after a certain time.
to send some news from other filterscript or your game mode I recomend you to use this macro:
pawn Code:
#define SendNews(%0,%1) if(!CallRemoteFunction("SendNewsMessage", "is", %0, %1)) SendClientMessageToAll(%0,%1)
video demo:
the script:
pawn Code:
#define SendNews(%0,%1) if(!CallRemoteFunction("SendNewsMessage", "is", %0, %1)) SendClientMessageToAll(%0,%1)
// copy this #define in any script you wish to use the News ticker system
// usage: SendNews(color, text[])
// using this macro, if the news script is loaded the text will show in the news ticker
// if the news script is NOT loaded, the text will show as a client message.
#define FILTERSCRIPT // its a filterscript
#define NEWS_LEN 128 //
#define NO_MASTER_TIMER // comment this line if you are using SnooB master timer infrastructure
#define TOTAL_LINE 6
#define HIDE_RATE 150
#define posX 135.0
#define start_posY 348.0
#define LINE_SPACE 10.0
#define LETTER_SIZE_X 0.252
#define LETTER_SIZE_Y 1.008
// isnull
#if !defined isnull
#define isnull(%1) \
((!(%1[0])) || (((%1[0]) == '\1') && (!(%1[1]))))
#include <a_samp>
#if defined NO_MASTER_TIMER
new LocaleTimer;
public OnFilterScriptInit()
#if defined NO_MASTER_TIMER
SetTimer("TimerSec", 1000, true);
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
#if defined NO_MASTER_TIMER
for( new i = 0; i < TOTAL_LINE; i++ ) TextDrawDestroy(News[i]);
return 1;
forward SendNewsMessage(color, text[]);
public SendNewsMessage(color, text[])
NewsTimeCount = 20;
new message[128];
format(message, sizeof(message), "%s %s", timestamp(), text);
printf("* [NEWS] - %s", message);
for( new i = TOTAL_LINE-1; i > 0; i-- )
format(NewsLine[i], NEWS_LEN, "%s", NewsLine[i-1]);
if(i == 3) NewsColor[i] = (NewsColor[i-1] - 0x0000001F);
else if(i==2) NewsColor[i] = (NewsColor[i-1] - 0x0000003F);
else if(i==1) NewsColor[i] = (NewsColor[i-1] - 0x0000003F);
else NewsColor[i] = NewsColor[i-1];
format(NewsLine[0], NEWS_LEN, "%s", message);
NewsColor[0] = color;
for( new i = 0; i < TOTAL_LINE; i++ )
TextDrawColor(News[i], NewsColor[i]);
TextDrawSetString(News[i], NewsLine[i]);
return 1;
for( new i = 0; i < TOTAL_LINE; i++ )
if(i == 0) posY[i] = start_posY;
else posY[i] = start_posY + (LINE_SPACE * i);
format(NewsLine[i], NEWS_LEN, " ");
News[i] = TextDrawCreate(posX, posY[i],"News line"); //
TextDrawColor(News[i],0xD7D7D799); //
if(i < 1)TextDrawBackgroundColor(News[i],0x00000099);
else if(i < 3)TextDrawBackgroundColor(News[i],0x3F3F3F3F);
else TextDrawBackgroundColor(News[i],0x3F3F3F3F);
new str[64];
GetServerVarAsString("hostname", str, sizeof(str));
new line[128];
format(line, sizeof(line),"News ticker Loaded at %s for %s.", timestamp(), str);
SendNewsMessage(0xFFFFFFFF, line);
return 1;
forward TimerSec();
public TimerSec()
if(!NewsTimeCount) HideNews();
return 1;
new line_order = (TOTAL_LINE - 1);
HideLine(TOTAL_LINE - 1);
for( new i = 0; i < (TOTAL_LINE - 1); i++ )
SetTimerEx("HideLine", (HIDE_RATE * line_order), false, "i", i);
return 1;
forward HideLine(line);
public HideLine(line)
if(NewsTimeCount > 0) return 1;
for( new playerid = 0; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++ )
if(DoNotHideNews[playerid]) continue;
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, News[line]);
return 1;
forward HideNewsForPlayer(playerid);
public HideNewsForPlayer(playerid)
if(NewsTimeCount <= 0)
for( new i = 0; i < TOTAL_LINE; i++ ) TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, News[i]);
DoNotHideNews[playerid] = 0;
return 1;
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (strcmp("/shownews", cmdtext, true, 9) == 0)
DoNotHideNews[playerid] = 1;
SetTimerEx("HideNewsForPlayer", 15000, false, "i", playerid);
for( new i = 0; i < TOTAL_LINE; i++ )
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, News[i]);
return 1;
return 0;
forward ChkColorTag(txtstr[]);
public ChkColorTag(txtstr[])
// this function will remove any color ~TAG~ that are ~INCOMPLETE or ~WRONG~
// this function conssider the string as valid. ( not null )
new tag;
new startpos;
for(new i = 0; i < strlen(txtstr); i++)
switch (tag)
case 0: //look for any ~ in the string
if(txtstr[i] == '~')
tag = 1; // we found a openning ~.
startpos = i; // we keep track of the starting position.
case 1: //after we found a ~ we look if the letter is valid.
if(IsValidTagLetter(txtstr[i])) tag = 3; // letter is valid we need closing ~
else tag = 4; // letter is not valid, we check anyway for a closing ~
case 3: // letter was valid we need a closing ~.
if(txtstr[i] != '~') strdel(txtstr,startpos, startpos + 2); // this ~TAG~ is not valid. We delete the ~ and the letter.
// if the tag is valid we leave it there
tag = 0; // we keep on looking for ~TAG~ in the string
case 4: // we foung a ~ and an invalid letter.
if(txtstr[i] == '~') strdel(txtstr, startpos, startpos + 3); //we found a closing ~. We delete all the ~TAG~
else strdel(txtstr, startpos, startpos + 2); // we delete the ~ and the letter.
tag = 0; // we keep on looking for ~TAG~ in the string
return 1;
//here you can choos wich tag are valid or not.
//if(letter == 'n') return 1; // New line
if(letter == 'r') return 1; // Red
if(letter == 'g') return 1; // Green
if(letter == 'b') return 1; // Blue
if(letter == 'w') return 1; // White
if(letter == 'y') return 1; // Yellow
if(letter == 'p') return 1; // Purple
if(letter == 'l') return 1; // Black
if(letter == 'h') return 1; // Turn text colour lighter (used too much will make your text white, doesnt work on black)
if(letter == 'u') return 1; // up arrow (grey)
if(letter == 'd') return 1; // down arrow (grey)
if(letter == '<') return 1; // left arrow (grey) => i like and use that one
if(letter == '>') return 1; // right arrow (grey) => i like and use that one
return 0;
stock timestamp()
new srvtime[3];
gettime(srvtime[0], srvtime[1], srvtime[2]);
new secstr[4];
new minstr[5];
new timestring[10];
if(srvtime[2] < 10) format(secstr, sizeof(secstr),"0%i", srvtime[2]);
else format(secstr, sizeof(secstr),"%i", srvtime[2]);
if(srvtime[1] < 10) format(minstr, sizeof(minstr),"0%i:", srvtime[1]);
else format(minstr, sizeof(minstr),"%i:", srvtime[1]);
if(srvtime[0] < 10) format(timestring, sizeof(timestring),"0%i:%s%s", srvtime[0],minstr,secstr);
else format(timestring, sizeof(timestring),"%i:%s%s", srvtime[0],minstr,secstr);
return timestring;