Blacklist and Whitelist

Hello again! I have had a lot of time to think and I know I want to make a blacklist and a whitelist. I have a website and a domain, that isn't the issue. How do I integrate a /ban command to the blacklist and a /uban command to the whitelist? For example, /ban will add the specified player to the blacklist, which is global between all of my community's SA:MP servers. The /uban command works along side the blacklist, but its a whitelist sort of like something if you were to do a range-ban, but someone that doesn't deserve to be banned was caught in it. I have downloaded SprunkBuster, would it be easier to just modify that whole FS and set the blacklist DNS info to my own, etc, etc?

I Posted this a few months back, most of it was constructed ...

Its called ( SA-MP BANS ) but covers VC & MTA, and soon to come IV. ( extended to other multi player versions )
It Uses ( Hardware SN as opposed to IP ) recordings, and requires the client to have an encrypted .HTML file located at a defined location in their SAMP installation Directory.

As your suggestion, it DOES record Data in SQL format and transports such data to any network servers. The Goal was read the data from remote location... The system works well ( Network Data Transfer is not secure though ) but the detection system works well.

The Problem was that Woet and Kye got pretty upset that i wouldn't release Source or allow in any way Woet or Kye to 'Control' the system in any way... Thus the topic got deleted after a LOT of support from the community, and NO support from the SA-MP administration.

Either way... If SAMP Cant Control it, then it aint gonna fly around here. But Good Luck, to your suggestion, and if you get tired of Beating your head against the SA-MP community of Nazi Dictators, feel free to Contact me, and ill give ya a peek at the system ( Invitation to RealCop228 Only )... maybe we can come to some agreement of you operating it.

PS: That was my Downfall, a 'Network Based' ban system is a Mother to administrate..its bad enough 99% of SAMP players are power hungry, its worse when they have that authority over any server that participates.

Oh, I see. Well, I suppose they would want control, but I don't understand why they would have deleted the thread with so much help from the community. I will definitely contact you, but through e-mail. Thanks!

EDIT: I viewed your profile and couldn't find your e-mail, mine is

Well, im NOTORIOUSLY known for butting heads with 'Those In Charge' of this community .... It was deleted because the topic turned into some big debate between myself and Woet ... The system in itself would threaten the existence of Woets operated Ban system. If Populated, it would pretty much null any use of Woets System...and as i said, if Woet cant control it..its not going to fly around here. Consider the issue a 'Political Problem' with SAMP

Oh, I see. Well, I don't want to start a fight with Woet, Kye or anyone else within SA:MP administration, so I would rather us continue this conversation else where, what do you think?

sure, ill PM ya my contact Info

Okay, sounds good.

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