Server Closed The Connection?

Hey, I was just wondering, is there a way I can remove the Server Closed The Connection Message?
Like is there any way? Can I remove something in an Include File? or can I make the player Lag for a bit, so the server doesn't display the text?

Maybe try sending empty chat messages.

Not possible.

not really , you can't becuase this isn't from you , this is from sa-mp

Ive seen someone do this, they changed something and it never shown.

I would be driving around and see people run into walls and won't stop, I couldn't type nothing.
It was like the server was being Ddos'ed but it wasn't, all you had to type was /remove [playerid] and it would do it to them.

I put it on my
return SendClientMessageToAll(COR_BRANCO, "----*****Servidor Offline ou REBOOTANDO------***** ");
made show this message, and after it "server closed connection", just that avaiable to do I think

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