Server Announce

Hey fellas i dont know if there is any suggestions that would be able to solve this but for some reason when i try to host a small server it does not show on the Internet tab in SA-MP if i were to give someone the ip they can connect fine but i searched the whole internet tab and found nothing ... sny suggestions would be great


So you cant find your server on the internet tab? Click ping and see if you get it. Your ping must be low :/

Make sure to add the announce file to your firewall, If your using a router it won't help much.

i have disabled the firewall and tried to sort by ping and there was still nothing

You can't see it immediately. I know it took about 30min before I saw mine.


see what it says.

^^ that site says that the server is online but not on the internet tab and not hosted ... i tried to redownload the announce and slap that in the folder and still nothing ... and when i open the announce with a text doc that there is an issue stated there about Microsoft .NET Runtime so i am gonna dl that and see what happens

ok sry for the 2nd post but update is that i installed .net 1.1 reinstalled 2.0, installed 3.0, 3.5, 3.5SP1 and 4.0 and still no luck so to be honest i dont know why

Do you have this in your server.cfg file:

announce 1

If it's on 0, you have to change it to 1. Otherwise it doesn't show on the internet list.

hey yes i checked that and there was still no change ... in fact i just flattened my system (not for that reason) and installed GTA SA the samp and redownloaded the server files put the gm and everything back in my folders and there is still nothing showing ... once again for me but will not announce

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