What do this symbols mean?

| - i know what a double means, but what does a single one mean?
? - i seen this used to, what does it mean?
: - i seen this used to, what does it mean?
&= - i seen this used to, what does it mean?
|= - i seen this used to, what does it mean?

Thank you.


• Bit manipulation
~ ~e
results in the one’s complement of e.
>> e1 >> e2
results in the arithmetic shift to the right of e1 by e2 bits.
The shift operation is signed: the leftmost bit of e1 is copied
to vacant bits in the result.
Operators and expressions 􀀀107
>>> e1 >>> e2
results in the logical shift to the right of e1 by e2 bits. The
shift operation is unsigned: the vacant bits of the result are
filled with zeros.
<< e1 << e2
results in the value of e1 shifted to the left by e2 bits; the
rightmost bits are set to zero. There is no distinction between
an arithmetic and a logical left shift
& e1 & e2
results in the bitwise logical “and” of e1 and e2.
| e1 | e2
results in the bitwise logical “or” of e1 and e2.
^ e1 ^ e2
results in the bitwise “exclusive or” of e1 and e2.
• Assignment
The result of an assignment expression is the value of the left operand after
the assignment. The left operand may not be tagged. Tag names: 67
= v = e
assigns the value of e to variable v.
= v = a
assigns array a to variable v; v must be an array with the
same size and dimensions as a; a may be a string or a literal
Note: the following operators combine an assignment with an arithmetic
or a bitwise operation; the result of the expression is
the value of the left operand after the arithmetic or bitwise
+= v += e
increments v with e.
-= v -= e
decrements v with e
108 􀀀Operators and expressions
*= v *= e
multiplies v with e
/= v /= e
divides v by e.
%= v %= e
assigns the remainder of the division of v by e to v.
>>= v >>= e
shifts v arithmetically to the right by e bits.
>>>= v >>>= e
shifts v logically to the right by e bits.
<<= v <<= e
shifts v to the left by e bits.
&= v &= e
applies a bitwise “and” to v and e and assigns the result to v.
|= v |= e
applies a bitwise “or” to v and e and assigns the result to v.
^= v ^= e
applies a bitwise “exclusive or” to v and e and assigns the
result to v.
• Relational
A logical “false” is represented by an integer value of 0; a logical “true” is
represented by any value other than 0. Value results of relational expressions
are either 0 or 1, and their tag is set to “bool:”.
== e1 == e2
results in a logical “true” if e1 is equal to e2.
!= e1 != e2
results in a logical “true” if e1 differs from e2.
Note: the following operators may be “chained”, as in the expression
“e1 <= e2 <= e3”, with the semantics that the result is “1”
if all individual comparisons hold and “0” otherwise.
< e1 < e2
results in a logical “true” if e1 is smaller than e2.
Operators and expressions 􀀀109
<= e1 <= e2
results in a logical “true” if e1 is smaller than or equal to e2.
> e1 > e2
results in a logical “true” if e1 is greater than e2.
>= e1 >= e2
results in a logical “true” if e1 is greater than or equal to e2.
• Boolean
A logical “false” is represented by an integer value of 0; a logical “true” is
represented by any value other than 0. Value results of Boolean expressions
are either 0 or 1, and their tag is set to “bool”.
! !e
results to a logical “true” if e was logically “false”.
|| e1 || e2
results to a logical “true” if either e1 or e2 (or both) are
logically “true”. The expression e2 is only evaluated if e1 is
logically “false”.
&& e1 && e2
results to a logical “true” if both e1 and e2 are logically
“true”. The expression e2 is only evaluated if e1 is logically

like this

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation for a visual.

https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=159954 for the if-else ?: statement

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