[HELP]About gates!

I know to create gate in pawno but i dont know how to create gate who will take money like;

when i type /toll gate to open and i to loose -50$

  1. Whats exactly your problem? What do you want to do?
  2. Did you script something yet?
  3. Got any coord's or other useful information?

Just do on the command for when he types /toll make it GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-50);
Together with all the other code.

Originally Posted by oliverrud
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Just do on the command for when he types /toll make it GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-50);
Together with all the other code.
Depends if he wants it to be called with some special things, like when he is just in a certain area, etc.

Just add : IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint

He's asking about HOW you make a gate, it shall could open on that /toll gate cmd, and should take 50 dollars from you when you use it.. - I would etll you if I did know how to.. xD

To make gates, you need to store the variables. something like

pawn Код:
new gate;

public OnGameModeInit()
    gate = CreateObject(988, 0.0, 1.1, 10.859, 0.0, 0.0, -90.0); // Gate
    return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext)
    if (!strcmp(cmdtext,"/open",true))
        MoveObject(gate, 0.0, 6.1, 10.859, 4.0);
        return 1;
    if (!strcmp(cmdtext,"/close",true))
        MoveObject(gate, 0.0, 1.1, 10.859, 4.0);
        return 1;
    return 0;
That makes a basic command driven gate. To make a ranged gate, you need timers checking IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint to open and close, and of course, take the 50$ to open it.

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