11.07.2010, 20:03
i have a gamemode
and i compile it and not work see
and i compile it and not work see
echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 1 rcon_password 12345678 maxplayers 500 port 7777 hostname ||.::Stuntages-Continent Server::.|| gamemode0 1 filterscripts vstream new yrace 111 1111 EMenu 15 544 xstreamer omar Speedboost new22 gadmin announce 1 query 1 weburl www.stuntages.net.tc plugins xStreamer.dll streamer.dll irc.dll maxnpc 10 onfoot_rate 4000 incar_rate 400 weapon_rate 400 stream_distance 3000.00 stream_rate 10000 instagib 1 mapname SC (Asia)