What is smartest?

Hey guys!
(Sry if this rather should have been in "General", I dunno.)

As I'm making an admin system to a server a friend and I have together, I was wondering, was is smartest:

Having the admin system inside the GM?
Or having the admin system as a filterscript?

I would say it would be smartest to have it in a filterscript, as I think it's most more easier to have "control" over you know?

But please, tell me what you think is smartest?
Thank you!


Definitly Filterscript.

We have made some register/login cmds and rcon admin cmds in our GM.
Should I take them out and put it in a Filterscript too? So every "user" is in the filterscript, or shall I just make the admin cmds and functions in the filterscript?
Thanks for answer anyway. :P

If you use PVars, then use it as a filterscript

@JaloNik Yes that would be the smartest but if you used PVars (like dice7 said) in your GM then it's no problem because you can call them to your filterscript. (The only problem is it resets when you leave so you can't save some things)

Oh yeah. The PVars is these pName and stuff right? Yeah I use that. :P - Never heard about "PVars", just learned it thru other scripts and tutorials. xD


Oh thanks. I'll read about. Thanks a lot xD

Deppends on the Gamemode you're making, if it's Roleplay build it into the Gamemode.

I'm making a RP server with a mate, we were talking about this too. BUt why should I do that?

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