Call of duty black ops? What do you guys think of it.

In my opinion it looks like any other call of duty, you are excited at first for it but when it comes down when you get the game and after a few months you stop playing it. What do you guys think?

Hmm, I don't know about the multiplayer, but the singleplayer looks really nice!
However, I doubt my computer will be able to run it (If they release it for PC)

the story is coo' multigame will be awesome too..

wait till 11.09.2010

Don't buy it, because everytime a new COD comes out all the 12 year old little kids run to their parents ask them to buy it and then they sit there all day playing it. I don't know about you guys but 12 year old kids annoy me. Reasoning why I didn't buy MW2 for Xbox yet, I bought it for PC seeing as none of the 12 year olds exist on it.

Being honest, i'm probably not gonna buy it. Knowing me, i'll play it for about a month, get bored of it, and then play it again right before the next CoD comes out.

Seems cool, though I'm really waiting for the new Medal of Honor game more.

Originally Posted by Zombie
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Don't buy it, because everytime a new COD comes out all the 12 year old little kids run to their parents ask them to buy it and then they sit there all day playing it. I don't know about you guys but 12 year old kids annoy me. Reasoning why I didn't buy MW2 for Xbox yet, I bought it for PC seeing as none of the 12 year olds exist on it.

You're probably 12 years old you'reself, if 12 year old kids annoy you there is a thing called mute and don't blame it on 12 year olds kids only jesus christ it's a video game don't just blame it on ''Kids''.

Originally Posted by ettans
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Seems cool, though I'm really waiting for the new Medal of Honor game more.

Fucking love medal of honor games

Originally Posted by ettans
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Seems cool, though I'm really waiting for the new Medal of Honor game more.

Medal of Honor always kicked ass, the fact that it's going to be about the modern war in Afghanistan makes it even more so.

EDIT: Whoa, Jose beat me to the "This." statement, doh.

Originally Posted by Tannz0rz
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Medal of Honor always kicked ass, the fact that it's going to be about the modern war in Afghanistan makes it even more so.
MoH owns any CoD, it just has a lower player count which could really effect the multiplayer experience. I'd really like to see EA put some good money into advertising the new one.
MoH: Allied Assault ftw.

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