Need A FeedBack On This Phone Please!

I Have My Birthday On The 27th July But I Told my Mum To Buy Me This Present Earlier (this Phone) And Im Thinking Of getting it tommorrow but i wwant / need a feedback.. Please!
the phone model is
Samsung S5230 (also known as Tocco Lite, Avila and Samsung Star)
But I need A FeedBack On who Got / Had This Phone Or Any People That Can Help Me Decide!

(PS: I dont Care If IPHONE is Better But Im In Love Wiv This Phone)
Thanks IanDaCJ!

WIkiPedia Review

I rather get the HTC. But It looks alright.
Thanks Cameltoe, An Andriod, I forgot what it was called.

Get an adroid phone you can do so much shit to them. it's simply never ending fun!

Its really up to you, You should just read details about these phones on official websites and such and see which one you feel is the best for you at a few stores etc.

Originally Posted by Mr187
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Its really up to you, You should just read details about these phones on official websites and such and see which one you feel is the best for you at a few stores etc.
Best Answer So Far And Thx But U Know The Official Sellers / Sites Only Show The Best Of The Product

My friend has this phone, and it's pretty nice for an average phone. It also has a nice web browser too. That's really all I know about the phone though.

Originally Posted by joemomma53
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My friend has this phone, and it's pretty nice for an average phone. It also has a nice web browser too. That's really all I know about the phone though.
Thx a lot

Thanks To All That Replied! But Ive Got A Samsung B3410

They all look like Corby to me.

i had this phoneand it broke in 3 weeks

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