warning 217: loose indentation

What i did wrong??...please help me or better repair my work...thanks...sorry for english =)

#include <a_samp>

#define COLOR_RED 0xFF0000AA

#if defined FILTERSCRIPT

new gate1;
new gate2;


public OnFilterScriptInit()

print(" Weed House - dr.weed ");

gate1 = CreateObject(971, 1003.2616577148, -643.96978759766, 123.56074523926, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //object (telebannakvadratkojebicopodfeclav) (2)
gate2 = CreateObject(974, 983.27362060547, -700.36358642578, 121.04116821289, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //object (tall_fence) (3)

CreateObject(2480, 994.22076416016, -671.52349853516, 121.54131317139, 0, 0, 175); //object (MODEL_BOX9) (1)
CreateObject(2477, 992.9423828125, -671.8896484375, 121.53887176514, 0, 0, 208.99841308594); //object (MODEL_BOX5) (1)
CreateObject(2669, 1013.7633666992, -676.84271240234, 121.54489135742, 0, 0, 301); //object (CJ_CHRIS_CRATE) (1)
CreateObject(971, 1003.2616577148, -643.96978759766, 123.56074523926, 0, 0, 25); //telebannakvadratkojebicopodfeclav
CreateObject(8210, 989.17541503906, -703.29449462891, 123.09944152832, 0, 0, 30);
CreateObject(8210, 970.05999755859, -658.71960449219, 124.30220031738, 0, 0, 29.998168945313);
CreateObject(8313, 1021.0305175781, -678.89215087891, 123.89881896973, 358.01098632813, 353.9963684082, 343.79089355469);
CreateObject(8313, 1021.0195922852, -656.18334960938, 122.99015808105, 0, 6, 4;
CreateObject(8313, 1017.4323730469, -650.99822998047, 123.64399719238, 0, 0, 56);
CreateObject(8313, 962.73590087891, -702.93029785156, 123.26460266113, 0, 0, 44);
CreateObject(8313, 951.82391357422, -683.71936035156, 123.01502990723, 0, 4, 46);
CreateObject(1946, 992.50866699219, -672.20849609375, 122.31671142578, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(8313, 987.05285644531, -649.95349121094, 124.10145568848, 0, 0, 312);
CreateObject(2528, 980.64294433594, -700.10388183594, 120.12774658203, 0, 0, 32);
CreateObject(14604, 981.33135986328, -702.27337646484, 121.40579223633, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2852, 981.29968261719, -702.24481201172, 120.61547088623, 0, 0, 4);
CreateObject(974, 979.41906738281, -703.61663818359, 121.05129241943, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(974, 983.27362060547, -700.36358642578, 121.04116821289, 0, 0, 80);
CreateObject(2901, 989.99749755859, -673.35284423828, 124.91861724854, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2901, 988.51104736328, -674.2158203125, 124.91861724854, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2901, 987.02569580078, -675.087890625, 124.91861724854, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2901, 985.83941650391, -675.93182373047, 124.91861724854, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2695, 1015.48828125, -662.33868408203, 121.6203918457, 0, 0, 211.99996948242);
CreateObject(2696, 1013.9095458984, -663.60412597656, 121.37144470215, 0, 1.5, 212);
CreateObject(2691, 1008.7922973633, -666.68267822266, 121.0803527832, 0, 0, 208.74996948242);
CreateObject(2692, 1012.6628417969, -664.48962402344, 120.93991088867, 9.5, 0, 212);
CreateObject(1233, 1007.5970458984, -644.30633544922, 121.89236450195, 0, 0, 222);
CreateObject(2588, 982.10620117188, -703.41357421875, 121.76499176025, 0, 0, 15;
CreateObject(7903, 991.07928466797, -686.64599609375, 135.58654785156, 0, 0, 0);

return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/ogw", true)==0)
MoveObject (gate1,1003.2607421875, -643.9697265625, 116.56074523926,2);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Main Gate Opened");
return 1;
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/cgw", true)==0)
MoveObject (gate1,1003.2616577148, -643.96978759766, 123.56074523926,2);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Main Gate Closed");
return 1;
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/owc", true)==0)
MoveObject (gate2,989.1748046875, -703.2939453125, 123.09944152832,2);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Main Gate Opened");
return 1;
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/cwc", true)==0)
MoveObject (gate2,983.27362060547, -700.36358642578, 121.04116821289,2);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Main Gate Closed");
return 1;
return 0;


please help you or better repair your work? rofl

public OnFilterScriptInit()

  print("   Weed House - dr.weed     ");

    gate1 = CreateObject(971, 1003.2616577148, -643.96978759766, 123.56074523926, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //object (telebannakvadratkojebicopodfeclav) (2)
    gate2 = CreateObject(974, 983.27362060547, -700.36358642578, 121.04116821289, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000); //object (tall_fence) (3)

    CreateObject(2480, 994.22076416016, -671.52349853516, 121.54131317139, 0, 0, 175); //object (MODEL_BOX9) (1)
    CreateObject(2477, 992.9423828125, -671.8896484375, 121.53887176514, 0, 0, 208.99841308594); //object (MODEL_BOX5) (1)
    CreateObject(2669, 1013.7633666992, -676.84271240234, 121.54489135742, 0, 0, 301); //object (CJ_CHRIS_CRATE) (1)
    CreateObject(971, 1003.2616577148, -643.96978759766, 123.56074523926, 0, 0, 25); //telebannakvadratkojebicopodfeclav
    CreateObject(8210, 989.17541503906, -703.29449462891, 123.09944152832, 0, 0, 30);
    CreateObject(8210, 970.05999755859, -658.71960449219, 124.30220031738, 0, 0, 29.998168945313);
    CreateObject(8313, 1021.0305175781, -678.89215087891, 123.89881896973, 358.01098632813, 353.9963684082, 343.79089355469);
    CreateObject(8313, 1021.0195922852, -656.18334960938, 122.99015808105, 0, 6, 48);
    CreateObject(8313, 1017.4323730469, -650.99822998047, 123.64399719238, 0, 0, 56);
    CreateObject(8313, 962.73590087891, -702.93029785156, 123.26460266113, 0, 0, 44);
    CreateObject(8313, 951.82391357422, -683.71936035156, 123.01502990723, 0, 4, 46);
    CreateObject(1946, 992.50866699219, -672.20849609375, 122.31671142578, 0, 0, 0);
    CreateObject(8313, 987.05285644531, -649.95349121094, 124.10145568848, 0, 0, 312);
    CreateObject(2528, 980.64294433594, -700.10388183594, 120.12774658203, 0, 0, 32);
    CreateObject(14604, 981.33135986328, -702.27337646484, 121.40579223633, 0, 0, 0);
    CreateObject(2852, 981.29968261719, -702.24481201172, 120.61547088623, 0, 0, 4);
    CreateObject(974, 979.41906738281, -703.61663818359, 121.05129241943, 0, 0, 0);
    CreateObject(974, 983.27362060547, -700.36358642578, 121.04116821289, 0, 0, 80);
    CreateObject(2901, 989.99749755859, -673.35284423828, 124.91861724854, 0, 0, 0);
    CreateObject(2901, 988.51104736328, -674.2158203125, 124.91861724854, 0, 0, 0);
    CreateObject(2901, 987.02569580078, -675.087890625, 124.91861724854, 0, 0, 0);
    CreateObject(2901, 985.83941650391, -675.93182373047, 124.91861724854, 0, 0, 0);
    CreateObject(2695, 1015.48828125, -662.33868408203, 121.6203918457, 0, 0, 211.99996948242);
    CreateObject(2696, 1013.9095458984, -663.60412597656, 121.37144470215, 0, 1.5, 212);
    CreateObject(2691, 1008.7922973633, -666.68267822266, 121.0803527832, 0, 0, 208.74996948242);
    CreateObject(2692, 1012.6628417969, -664.48962402344, 120.93991088867, 9.5, 0, 212);
    CreateObject(1233, 1007.5970458984, -644.30633544922, 121.89236450195, 0, 0, 222);
    CreateObject(2588, 982.10620117188, -703.41357421875, 121.76499176025, 0, 0, 158);
    CreateObject(7903, 991.07928466797, -686.64599609375, 135.58654785156, 0, 0, 0);

  return 1;

Its only a warning. Your script will still work.

Use this under #include <a_samp>

#pragma tabsize 0

* Or learn about Indentation

Originally Posted by BMUK
Its only a warning. Your script will still work.

Use this under #include <a_samp>

#pragma tabsize 0

* Or learn about Indentation
thanks for now
i copy that in and copy all pwn file into filterscript and add into server.cfg and not work? help =)

No, don't use #pragma tabsize 0, thats for plane fucking noobs.


Thats a pawno indent tool, use that to indent your work until you learn.

Originally Posted by ♂ Antonio [G-RP
No, don't use #pragma tabsize 0, thats for plane fucking noobs.


Thats a pawno indent tool, use that to indent your work until you learn.

thx for the tool o.o

No prob

Bad idea. Learn to code correctly.

Originally Posted by BMUK
Its only a warning. Your script will still work.

Use this under #include <a_samp>

#pragma tabsize 0

* Or learn about Indentation

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