help creating a new gm

ok well basically im hoping for some codes etc for my new gamemode im still fairly new to scripting ive been scripting for Paradise city on the gm SATDM and am making a new gamemode so far i basicly have nothing but ideas im looking at myt a rp or street racing mode, mission bassed game (complete missions to earn cash and unlock abilities....or myb even better xD a street racing rp with missions to do with it (myb on the same story line as f&f sagas) again im new and have no idea how to make this happen

You are new and you donґt get it that you must learn how to make it?
Have you ever read teh basics, callbacks and functions at SAMP Wiki?
If you search and learn for it you learn it fast.
So why to give you examples if this topics exist 1000000 times?

well the thing is i don't really understand the posts ive seen ive found a vid on ******* that helped me a little bit but other than that i need someone or some people who can help me understand as im not the sharpest knife in the draw

ok myb u can put a user friendly link here then? i have a deadline of 4 weeks

Deadline? means like somone paying you to do a shitty job? waste..

anyway you won't get anything more friendly then:

Stop spamming too.


Deadline? means like somone paying you to do a shitty job? waste..

anyway you won't get anything more friendly then:

Stop spamming too.

ok firstly no im not getting paid the deadline iswith my clan i said il try get it up and at least kinda playable by 1 month

ok thanks for the link i have read some of these some of them arnt so friendly

how am i spamming?

You doppelpost = Spam = Bannable.

you mean posting smthin twise? or posting smthn after anotehr post? im fairly new to mysmf so im not sure wht im doing xD im basicly a complete newb

unnecessary posting, just to get your own post hight to get more responses... that's against the rules, anyway..

- SMF:
- SAMP main wiki:
- Samp scripting tutorials:
- Samp forum rules

Read those.. you will learn a lot! may the force be with you.

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