[GameMode] [GM] Death Note

Death Note Gamemode(Beta)
This gamemode is based on the Anime "Death Note". For those who don't know: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Note
Short: One Player has a "Notebook". If he writes the name of a person in it, this person will die. The owner of the Death Note (called Kira) also can add the date of the death and the manner of death. The others try to find out who Kira is and kill him. They score points for killing Kira and loose point for killing innocent people. Now in english and german.

Following the commands:
  • /entry <ID of the victim> <delay of the deathy> <manner of death>
  • /menu The comfort way of killing™
  • /give <playerid> Give the Death Note to another person
  • /asdf Allows admins to give the Death Note to a random person
Manner of Death:
  • Heart attack (id=1)
  • Fall (id=2) (Victim is suddenly on a very high position)
  • Explosion (id=3)
[img width=1024 height=575]http://www.imagefrog.net/out.php/i66276_DeathNote.png[/img]

Links: Original german: http://pastebin.com/m3496385d
Translated english: http://pastebin.de/4083

-****** (Sscanf)
-Bernd (Sharing his programming experience)

It's my first script, so I would be happy if you report any bug you find. Thx

nice but i wish I could translate it, would be very kool!

Whats 'Downfall'

i love that anime lol, nice job, almos im going to play it it looks funny, but could be, the person who kill the most people for a time win score , but can be, if some one discover to kira, then kira dies xD lol

That's quite cool. Gonna try this out.

wow a creative idea, i like death note much and i'm going to try this GM

Wow I've been waiting this

Looks good.
I personally would have used dialogs.

I would use actual CMDs, I don't like GUIs

XDDDD nice idea!
i used to watch death note...

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