[UK] Hosting questions

I know that there are many questions around about how much upload speed you need but when hosting provider in the UK offers a good upload speed?

I have like the requirments for running a server but my upload speed isn't very good (0.5kps). Also my Sky Router doesn't seem to like port forwarding (Complicated task).

Anyone have an ISP provider or something then please let me know

- Samdudes

All decent providers aim to offer the best connection they can give you at your loation. As long as you are with a mainstream relatively reliable ISP, changing won't improve your speed.

I for example am with 02, I get 7MB Down for 1MB Up, if I switch to Sky, I will still have the same speed.

If you really want a better connection, the only possibility is to switch to Virgin fibre optic (Or wait for BT), as they offer 50 Down for 2.5 Up as standard, and fibre optics are much less affected by distance compared to ADSL

So what is the best speed for hosting a SA:MP server?

There isn't one, a home ISP connection won't be enough to host a SA-MP server with more then 20(maybe 30-40 depending on the speed) slots without seeing a gradually latency increase. This is why server providers use DataCenters that back onto large networks designed for server hosting such as Level3 and Cogent.

In the UK, unless you have a Business and have a good network(for example, offices in London often have great upload as they pay for a high quality direct line) , the average home ISP probabbly gets 1-2MBps upload.

But to answer your question, in the U.K o2 is probabbly the best Home ISP I have come across(that only requires the basic phone line), however even that will only get you about 1.5MBps, which is fine for about 20 to at a stretch 40 players, I mean technically you probabbly might be able to handle a bit more, but it wouldn't be an enjoyable experience for most players. So personally anything more then 40 players you don't really want to be using a home connection.

Hope this helps you a bit.

Thanks for that TruServe. I'm kinda looking at larger speeds maybe for a dedicated box server. I looked at virgin media as they offer fibre optic connection but there upload speed wasn't good, even there business plan. I've also tried searching in ****** with no help. Anyway we will see. Thanks again

Unless if you buy a bisness conection your not going to get much in the means of upload.

Don'tforget ...

Your upload rate my be 10mbps but thats to your ISP ... Most ISP don't have a direct conection to others (Your clients) ISP.

So there will be less uplink speed and a higher ping.

Thanks for that info Jackster. I didn't realise that and it is quite important information

Thats ok ... I know alot of people miss that bit out and don't realise till its too late

Haha, Im going to bed now but when I get up I'm going to search for business connections. I also know a few people who might be able to help me. Once again thank you for helping me

Cookies anyone?

You will find a bisness conetion from Ј25-1000 ....

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