[NEWS] ServerFFS Live Support is now just Live Sales

I have been now said by the operator at ServerFFS live support, when I needed the help with the game server, that "Live Support Online" is now, literally, just the "Live Sales". What does that mean? That means this host now just cares about money and cares no more about their paying customers and the actual support. Since their support tickets are being answered even after 14 days, do they really provide the support they claim at their homepage? Or has this host gone that fraudulent?

Now because I haven't asked the sales question at the "Live Sales", I've got the sweet message stated bellow. Has this host really gone that arrogant?


Your rights to our live sales have been revoked, you will have to use our alternative contacting methods. You can open a ticket by clicking her or use our alternative methods which are found here.


I was very disappointed when I found out there is no 'Live Support' for technical support.

I noticed this yesterday

I really honestly do not give a shit if the Live Support changed to sales or to pornographic disscussions

So ServerFFS is just ones of those who care only about money, not customer service?
EDIT: I guess they do..

This is not the place nor the time to discuss this. If you guys want to flame ServerFFS go do it on http://webhostingtalk.com ; this is a support forum for SA:MP, not a review hosts you dont like forum (sorry for being blunt, i'm sure the topic will get locked and deleted anyways)

...but isn't that why this was posted in the offtopic board?

Originally Posted by iLinx
This is not the place nor the time to discuss this. If you guys want to flame ServerFFS go do it on http://webhostingtalk.com ; this is a support forum for SA:MP, not a review hosts you dont like forum (sorry for being blunt, i'm sure the topic will get locked and deleted anyways)
I agree. Who cares about this, really?

Originally Posted by iLinx
sorry for being blunt, i'm sure the topic will get locked and deleted anyways
I remember Kye stated somewhere at the forums, complaints of hosts related to the SA-MP are allowed to post. If you don't care about the arrogance and levity of this hosting, simply don't read this thread, there isn't anything for you. I believe the negative comments about ServerFFS may be censored at this forums, but paying customers should know what can they expect of this hosting. And by the way, the complaint may also be a good advice for them how to improve their services, right?

ServerFFS is now just like Microsoft, becomes by luckyness a very big company, and then starts to only think about the money and not what the costumer wants.

Well this topic would be deleted anyways, since there also was a ''bad'' topic about ServerFFS in the Dutch sections and Woet just deleted it.

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