06.04.2008, 13:01
Anti fall off bike
What is it?This is a very small and simple filter script that stops you and your passenger from falling off your bike. With v2.5 you use the commands /afon and /afoff to toggle it on or off.
How does it work?
When your state changes, it puts you back into your last vehicle.
But that will do the same if you normally exit the bike!
With the help of a variable, it will not.
How do I get it?
For v2 (no commands):
Pastebin (.com)
Pastebin (.ca)
For v2.5 (/afon, /afoff):
Pastebin (.com)
Pastebin (.ca)
Is there any bugs?
From what I have tested, I have not found any.
Will there be updates? What will be in them?
There might be updates, but I have no ideas.
Comments are appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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