What would cause this?

A few people in my server said that when other players move, the dont actually see them move, untill they stop. Then its almost as if the players "teleport" but their not actually teleporting. It happened since i added this code into my gm..


if(DMZone[playerid] == 0)
if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) == WEAPON_MINIGUN)
new string [256];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
format(string, sizeof(string), "[ANTICHEAT]%s has been banned for having a minigun outside a DM", pName);
SendClientMessageToAll(0x33CCFFAA, string);
return 0;

Would that cause the problem?
As when i loaded the previous GM which didnt have the above code,.. The players saw each other move perfectly like how it should be.

Thanks to anyone who can help.

if is in a timer through all players with very low frequency of repetition, or is inside OnPLayerUpdate, then yes, that is the cause of the problem, and the problem is Lag.

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