[FilterScript] [FS] BuyCheats by heufix v0.1 (sa-mp 0.3 only)

What does it do?:
Buy "cheats" v. 0.1.
You can "buy cheats" for speed or fly on vehicle..
/speedbuy you can buy speed for you, on certain time(set in the script).
/flybuy you can buy fly for you,on certain time(set in the script).
/speedoff you can off cheats for speed
/flyoff you can off cheats for fly

if player buy cheats, then on the player creates an inscription(3DText) that he bought a cheat, cheat deactivated - inscription(3DText) disable..
Once you've bought a cheats, that he acted - pressing (KEY_UP) (up arrow)

In Script your can set Options:
#define SPEED_CASH 10000 // Set How much is the buy speed, default: 10000
#define FLY_CASH 5000 // Set How much is the buy fly, default: 5000
#define TIME_SPEED 30000 // Set how long, buy speed in active state, WARNING: set time in Millisecond( 1 second == 1000 Millisecond)
#define TIME_FLY 50000 // Set how long, fly in active state,WARNING: set time in Millisecond( 1 second == 1000 Millisecond)


WARNING: I TESTING THIS SCRIPT ONE TIME,i not Promise, that the script works correctly..
If you notice any bugs, tell me please.
If you have suggestions for improving the script, too tell me please
Sorry me for My BAD English...
Download link:

Comments please...

so this dosent really do nothing but create a Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer?

What the...

Originally Posted by Shady91
so this dosent really do nothing but create a Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer?
It does it with SetVehicleVelocity


Sorry, i went to another city, can not add the video, now arrived, and added. Video added in first post

HAHAHAHA XD - This is great XD

Very funny ...
But I would use OnPlayerKeyStateChange for that


Originally Posted by Bearfist
Very funny ...
But I would use OnPlayerKeyStateChange for that
OnPlayerKeyStateChange() aint that good as it isnt repetative and it cannot tell if you're *holding* the key.

Anyway REALLY COOL stuff out there :>
Going to use the native function from it

These are for owners right!
Cause im an admin level 4 in *** so can i use it in that server

See, I thought server Admins/Mods/Owners were trying keep cheater's out!!! This isn't very efficient either, why would you want people to "buy cheats" on your server?

Perfect! I it add to my server and put the credits of the creator

Have I a problem, since I can change the key of use? Change it but it does not work:S
Since I can change it?
Change this way:

if(updown == KEY_FIRE/*KEY_UP*/){ //<<------------- ?
if(Speed[playerid] == 1){
new Float, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, carid;
carid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
GetVehicleVelocity(carid, x, y, z);
GetVehicleZAngle(carid, angle);

Sorry for my English and managing of the samp I am a new

Originally Posted by smoker08
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