29.05.2010, 08:29
Last edited by Incognito; 31/01/2016 at 09:45 PM.
GVar Plugin
This plugin is an extension to the per-player variable (PVar) system introduced in SA-MP 0.3a with a few key differences:
GitHub Commit History
Refer to the CHANGES file the binary package for the full changelog.
Create a directory called "plugins" inside of the server directory if one does not already exist. Place the plugin file (gvar.dll or gvar.so) inside of this directory.
Add the following line to server.cfg so that the plugin will load the next time the server starts:
On Windows, add gvar.inc to the pawno\include folder. Include this file in any of the scripts the server is running:
Recompile the scripts with any desired natives and callbacks provided by the include file. Start the server.
The latest compiled binaries will always be here:
GitHub Releases Page
The source can be browsed here. This repository can also be cloned.
The Windows version requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.
This plugin is an extension to the per-player variable (PVar) system introduced in SA-MP 0.3a with a few key differences:
- Global variables (GVars) that are not linked to any player IDs
- Presence in memory until explicit deletion with DeleteGVar
- Much faster execution time than properties (see this post for benchmarks)
GitHub Commit History
Refer to the CHANGES file the binary package for the full changelog.
pawn Code:
pawn Code:
native SetGVarInt(const name[], value, id = 0);
native GetGVarInt(const name[], id = 0);
native SetGVarString(const name[], const value[], id = 0);
native GetGVarString(const name[], dest[], maxlength = sizeof dest, id = 0);
native SetGVarFloat(const name[], Float:value, id = 0);
native Float:GetGVarFloat(const name[], id = 0);
native DeleteGVar(const name[], id = 0);
native GetGVarsUpperIndex(id = 0);
native GetGVarNameAtIndex(index, dest[], maxlength = sizeof dest, id = 0);
native GetGVarType(const name[], id = 0);
Create a directory called "plugins" inside of the server directory if one does not already exist. Place the plugin file (gvar.dll or gvar.so) inside of this directory.
Add the following line to server.cfg so that the plugin will load the next time the server starts:
plugins gvar.dll
plugins gvar.so
pawn Code:
#include <gvar>
- Remember to delete GVars when they are no longer needed, particularly when a gamemode or filterscript exits.
- The optional ID, like the player ID in PVars, must be unique.
- GVar names are case-insensitive.
The latest compiled binaries will always be here:
GitHub Releases Page
The source can be browsed here. This repository can also be cloned.
The Windows version requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.