In-Game Voice Communication

I have searched over the forum for this suggestion, and I just can't believe it has not been added, it would be a great addition, you can talk to other people, explain the rules to newbies, on cops & robbers you can chat to your team about some rebelling and the list just goes on...

Some people say that "users will abuse this function" WELL DUH, god sake that's why you have admins on the server, and I'm pretty sure Kye and his team are capable of making an option on enabling and disabling this function

Seriously, this would improve SA:MP greatly, nearly all multiplayer games have Voice Comm included in them, and this mod should have aswell?!

Post your opinions, as long as it's not "CHARLES U NUB, THIS SUGGEZTION IS ALL OVA ZE FORUMZ!!!11"

Originally Posted by Charles
Seriously, this would improve SA:MP greatly, nearly all multiplayer games have Voice Comm included in them, and this mod should have aswell?!
You have already answered yourself. This is only game modification not a multiplayer game.

Originally Posted by $ЂЯĢ
Originally Posted by Charles
Seriously, this would improve SA:MP greatly, nearly all multiplayer games have Voice Comm included in them, and this mod should have aswell?!
You have already answered yourself. This is only game modification not a multiplayer game.
I have compared this function in multiplayer games and I want this added to this mod, what's wrong with that?

Originally Posted by Charles
Originally Posted by $ЂЯĢ
Originally Posted by Charles
Seriously, this would improve SA:MP greatly, nearly all multiplayer games have Voice Comm included in them, and this mod should have aswell?!
You have already answered yourself. This is only game modification not a multiplayer game.
I have compared this function in multiplayer games and I want this added to this mod, what's wrong with that?
Games, not modifications.

I'd hate to have such a function, it's so useless and it's probably a headache to create it, despite the fact that it's not needed.

Imagine a roleplay server with 300 people talking at on‌ce =]. It wouldn't work well.

Even if it were done well, a SA-MP server that also has voice would use more CPU and alot more bandwidth which would mean that server prices would increase dramatically and people that use their computers as servers would be out of luck unless they wanted a laggy experience.

Voice on a sa-mp server is stupid, since most players are under 18 and are immature.

Originally Posted by CJ101
Voice on a sa-mp server is stupid, since most players are under 18 and are immature.
Yes but, not all under 18 year olds are immature, and if you think that then go the hell away and leave SA-MP because almost all of us are 13-17

Originally Posted by Sergiy
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You have already answered yourself. This is only game modification not a multiplayer game.
Half Life 2 Deathmatch is a mod and has in-game communication and it works great.

Originally Posted by Charles
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I have compared this function in multiplayer games and I want this added to this mod, what's wrong with that?
download SKYPE/VENTRILLO/TS and add your in-game friends and thats it
thats what i do.

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