Tema de "Kye"

Segъn leн esta maсana en la secciуn en inglйs, ya no se pueden publicar "APP" aplicaciуnes en el foro.

Al menos es lo que entendio yo en el tema que puso Kye en la secciуn de inglйs. Dice que muchos programas, aun que el antivirus no detecta nada, son virus o troyanos.

Adjunto el link del post de Kye. Y querrнa que alguien me lo aclarase.

Originally Posted by Kye
No more APP releases.

We've had a few instances on this forum over the years where people have posted APPs disguising them harmless programs when they are in fact malicious trojans. People on this forum usually do not know how to compile from the source and they think if their virus scanner returns 'not infected' that the programs are safe. This is not always the case.

The decision has been made to no longer allow any application (APP) releases directly on the forum. Legitimate tools useful for helping develop SA-MP modes should be released on the wiki and they must be reviewed by members of the SA-MP beta team or trusted SA-MP members for safety.

Eso estб allн desde hace bastante tiempo, pero parece que nadie le presta atenciуn...

Bueno hace dos meses, yo no me paso mucho por la secciуn de inglйs.

Originally Posted by SAWC™
Eso estб allн desde hace bastante tiempo, pero parece que nadie le presta atenciуn...
Yo estoy autorizado por kye para hacer programas.

PD: Nombre_Apellido Me encanto la firma.

PD2: Carta de kye a mi:

Originally Posted by Kye
Well yes, you can probably do that. Although you can already interact with the server via plugins. Client plugins have been tried before but are not very popular.

So I guess that's a 'yes' answer to your question but I'm still unclear what you are trying to do.

Originally Posted by xenowort
Originally Posted by Kye
So I guess that's a 'yes' answer to your question but I'm still unclear what you are trying to do.
їQuй fuй exactamente lo que le dijistes?
No en espaсol, lo que traducistes...


Originally Posted by SAWC™
Originally Posted by xenowort
Originally Posted by Kye
So I guess that's a 'yes' answer to your question but I'm still unclear what you are trying to do.
їQuй fuй exactamente lo que le dijistes?
No en espaсol, lo que traducistes...
Traducido seria esto:


Asн que supongo que es un "sн" respuesta a su pregunta pero yo soy todavнa no estб claro lo que usted estб tratando de hacer.

Yo le pregunte si me daba permiso a modificar el samp.dll (el cliente).Para que interactue con un programa llamado "control sv samp" y me dijo que si, como dice en la carta.

Pero creo que el post se referia a cualquier tipo de aplicaciуn ya sea que modifique o no modifique el samp.
PD: mola ee(la firma)

Originally Posted by xenowort
Originally Posted by Kye
Well yes, you can probably do that. Although you can already interact with the server via plugins. Client plugins have been tried before but are not very popular.
So I guess that's a 'yes' answer to your question but I'm still unclear what you are trying to do.
Mmmm, and what are you trying to do? ¬¬

Originally Posted by CristianTdj
Originally Posted by xenowort
Originally Posted by Kye
Well yes, you can probably do that. Although you can already interact with the server via plugins. Client plugins have been tried before but are not very popular.
So I guess that's a 'yes' answer to your question but I'm still unclear what you are trying to do.
Mmmm, and what are you trying to do? ¬¬
XD, yo tengo el permiso de kye como dice la carta.El no entiende todavia lo que quiero hacer pero " 'yes' answer to your question "

Originally Posted by xenowort
Originally Posted by CristianTdj
Originally Posted by xenowort
Originally Posted by Kye
Well yes, you can probably do that. Although you can already interact with the server via plugins. Client plugins have been tried before but are not very popular.
So I guess that's a 'yes' answer to your question but I'm still unclear what you are trying to do.
Mmmm, and what are you trying to do? ¬¬
XD, yo tengo el permiso de kye como dice la carta.El no entiende todavia lo que quiero hacer pero " 'yes' answer to your question "
Es verdad, para que quieres modificarlo, en que forma actuara tu programa con el samp?, cuando estes dentro del sa-mp te saldrбn botones para poder reiniciarlo, editar el cfg, etc..?

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