Freeze vehicles

Is there any way you can freeze a vehicle?

Because on my server we have a lot of various interiors and also an garage, we have a comment so you can enter the garage I made it so it freezes the player by TogglePlayerContrable, because otherwise you fall trough the ground, is there anyway I can prevent the car from falling I was thinking about this.

You type the comment for example: /entergarage you enter it you fall trough the ground after 2 seconds you respawn back at the garage postion, then the objects shall be loaded and you won't fall trough, how do I do it with a timer? or something else.




You only need to freeze the player who's inside the car as driver to freeze the vehicle.


Originally Posted by KayaQue
You only need to freeze the player who's inside the car as driver to freeze the vehicle.

No the car will fall trough, I tried it already.

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