Phone call

Since noone answers at the script request thread i post here-
I need a Phone Call script-
when a player types-
and the other player do-
Then they both can type in the chat and only they will see what they are typing,
without typing /pm or ! before the text

Just look for one in the FS. And then modify to your needs.

PS! Don't forget to credit the scripter if you just modify one(:.

Another PS:

I didn't want to make you one becuz it takes awhile and yeah. So maybe someone else will make it for you.

good luck(:

i tryed to look for something like that but with no luck yet, Thanks anyways

I'm sorry i couldn't help, but again

good luck(:

Kinda hard to do this.... I'll try to find a way..
But, if I don't :
Originally Posted by Steven82
I'm sorry i couldn't help, but again

good luck(:

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