[Include] [INC] ctype.inc


ctype.inc is a PAWN version of ctype.h for C language. It includes some basic (but hopefully useful) functions to check information of a character passed through the functions.

Function List:

isalnum(character)Checks if the character is an alphanumeric character.
isalpha(character)Checks if the character is an alphabetical character.
iscntrl(character)Checks if the character is a control / escape code character such as '\n'.
isdigit(character)Checks if the character is a number digit.
isgraph(character)Checks if the character is able to represented graphically.
islower(character)Checks if the character is lowercase.
isprint(character)Checks if the character is a printable character.
ispunct(character)Checks if the character is a punctuation character.
isspace(character)Checks if character is a white space character.
isupper(character)Checks if character is uppercase.
isxdigit(character)Checks if character is a valid hexidecimal character.
cprintinf(character)Prints info of the character to the server window. This function is only included if you have printf defined. printf function is in a_samp.inc.


The functions toupper(character) and tolower(character) were not included due to them being able to be found in the core.inc include.



OOoh im using this, thankyou!

Brilliant release Simon. once again.

i know this is old but it looks useful, thanks.

Originally Posted by luigifan9
i know this is old but it looks useful, thanks.
Dude, its like a 2 years old topic
If you have anything to say about this
topic, say/PM it to Simon

Originally Posted by ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL
Originally Posted by luigifan9
i know this is old but it looks useful, thanks.
Dude, its like a 2 years old topic
If you have anything to say about this
topic, say/PM it to Simon
I just thought others could use this and bumping would help them be aware of it.

Originally Posted by luigifan9
Originally Posted by ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL
Originally Posted by luigifan9
i know this is old but it looks useful, thanks.
Dude, its like a 2 years old topic
If you have anything to say about this
topic, say/PM it to Simon
I just thought others could use this and bumping would help them be aware of it.
You have a point there, but people should just search for it when they need it
like the way you found this topic :P It's because you need it.


You have a point there, but people should just search for it when they need it
like the way you found this topic :P It's because you need it.
Some people seem to not be capable of using the search button

Good, job.

Originally Posted by [ĦŁ₣
This is a good script, thanks for bumping it :P
haha exaclty why i did :P

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