SetPlayerColor Syncing

If SetPlayerColor is executed on a player in game, will a player that connects after it is issued see the color or will it need to be executed upon connect to sync properly?

Reading from the wiki I do not think you need to reset the color each time a new player connects (logic wise I don't think so neither).

However why don't you just test it?

Well 2 reasons... I don't have two accounts that I can get on, and my script isn't completely linked to the database yet so I have to do some more work before I can even put it online

Ah alright, well if no one should give you a 100% sure answer, just throw it in a bare script and let a friend or so connect to the server together with you to test it out. That's possibly even faster than waiting to get an answer

You will need to set the colour again for the newly connected player.

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