[Tutorial] [TUT]Basic Icon streamer!

[TUT]Creating Simple Icon Streamers!
The fun defines .
pawn Код:
#define MAX_MARKERS 1000 //Max amount of markers (Increasing causes the file to be larger decreasing does the opposite).

enum Info
  Float:x, //XPos
  Float:y, //YPos
  Float:z, //ZPos
  markertype, //Marker type
  color, //Color of the marker

new MarkerInfo[MAX_MARKERS][Info];
new MarkerID = -1;
new PlayerMarkers[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_MARKERS];
new MarkerUsed[MAX_MARKERS];
new SlotsUsed[MAX_PLAYERS][100];
So, now that we have all those out of the way, lets start with our function SetPlayerMapIconEx.

pawn Код:
stock SetPlayerMapIconEx(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Markertype, Color, Float:dist = 100.0)
  MarkerID ++; //Marker ID added
  MarkerUsed[MarkerID] = 1; //Enabled = 1 disabled = 0
  MarkerInfo[MarkerID][markertype] = Markertype; //Marker type check https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/SetPlayerMapIcon for them
  MarkerInfo[MarkerID][x] = X; //X of the icon
  MarkerInfo[MarkerID][y] = Y; //Y of the icon
  MarkerInfo[MarkerID][z] = Z; //Z of the icon
  MarkerInfo[MarkerID][color] = Color; //Color of the icon.
  MarkerInfo[MarkerID][Dist] = dist;
Time to stream!

Firstly we need a stream timer, put it somewhere like OnGameModeInit().
pawn Код:
SetTimer("Stream", 500, true); //You can change it to less time or more time per go.
Now the actual stream function.

pawn Код:
forward Stream(); //Forward all timers
public Stream()
    for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)//Goes through all players
      if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) //All online players
        for(new S; S<MarkerID+1; S++) //All active Markers
          if(MarkerUsed[S] == 1) //Checks if the Marker is enabled
                    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, MarkerInfo[S][Dist], MarkerInfo[S][x], MarkerInfo[S][y], MarkerInfo[S][z]) && PlayerMarkers[i][S] == 0)//Is the player close enough to the Marker and the player does not already have it streamed
                        for(new K; K<100; K++)//Loops
                          if(SlotsUsed[i][K] == 0)//Through all the 100 avalible icon slots
                            SlotsUsed[i][K]++; //Sets the Icon slot to used
                            IconID[i][S] = K; //Sets the iconid
                            break; //Breaks out of the variable
                      SetPlayerMapIcon(i, IconID[i][S], MarkerInfo[S][x], MarkerInfo[S][y], MarkerInfo[S][z], MarkerInfo[S][markertype], MarkerInfo[S][color]);//Create the Marker
              PlayerMarkers[i][S] = 1; //Shows the object streamed for the player
                        continue; //Pulls out of the loop alliteration.
                if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, MarkerInfo[S][Dist], MarkerInfo[S][x], MarkerInfo[S][y], MarkerInfo[S][z]) && PlayerMarkers[i][S] == 1) //If the player falls out of that distance the marker is destroyed
                  SlotsUsed[i][IconID[i][S]] = 0; //Sets the Icon slot to used
                PlayerMarkers[i][S] = 0; //Sets the player marker to 0 so it's not using it
                  RemovePlayerMapIcon(i, IconID[i][S]); //Deletes the map Icon
                  continue;//Pulls out of the loop alliteration.
    return 1;
Extra functions:
pawn Код:
stock RemoveMapIconEx(IconId) //Destroys the Map Icon
    MarkerUsed[IconId] = 0;
    for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
      if(PlayerMarkers[i][ObjectId] == 1)
        PlayerMarkers[i][ObjectId] = 0;
        DestroyPlayerObject(i, IconID[i][ObjecId]);
        SlotsUsed[i][IconID[i][IconId]] = 0

stock SetObjectDistance(ObjectId, Float:dist) //Sets the view distance of a Map Icon
    MarkerInfo[MarkerID][Dist] = dist;
Here is some test icons in south LV, they are house ones that can be used with my other tutorial for making simple houses .

pawn Код:
SetPlayerMapIconEx(2317.130615, 692.398498, 11.460937, 31, 0, 25);
  SetPlayerMapIconEx(2346.872802, 692.999267, 11.460937, 31, 0, 25);
  SetPlayerMapIconEx(2396.482666, 691.487060, 11.453125, 31, 0, 25);
  SetPlayerMapIconEx(2398.476074, 735.344665, 11.460937, 31, 0, 25);
A big thanks to HydraX for testing the script .

If you want the version with the proper indentation http://www.datafilehost.com/download-58b293cd.html


This worked for me and him and I'm sure it will work for you..


Originally Posted by HydraX
This worked for me and him and I'm sure it will work for you..
Thx for testing .

Originally Posted by The HungryPinkPig ©

Originally Posted by Compton's Eazy E

You make these tutorials so well.

Originally Posted by V1ceC1ty
You make these tutorials so well.
They are pretty easy because most streamers are the exact same . Also, check out my new Checkpoint streamer tutorial.

You're helpfull! Maybe some nubs will learn this and make their own streamer(s)!

Good job!

cool ! Releasing Tutorials one on one

Originally Posted by _Saif_
cool ! Releasing Tutorials one on one

Originally Posted by [03
Garsino ]
You're helpfull! Maybe some nubs will learn this and make their own streamer(s)!

Good job!
Yeah, and stop asking us for them .

Is this copied from here: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Icon_Streamer
Or did you write it also in the wiki?

Originally Posted by » RэРиR «
Is this copied from here: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Icon_Streamer
Or did you write it also in the wiki?
I think he wrote it since wiki registration is opened again.

This is thing i was searching 15 Years xD :P Nicely done, awesome TUT.

Originally Posted by » RэРиR «
Is this copied from here: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Icon_Streamer
Or did you write it also in the wiki?
No, V1cecity ripped my tutorial and posted it there. I later edited it down the bottom reference to this topic but V1ceCity deleted it, I'll see if I can get it removed.

How can i make the icons Smaller?

Great, thanks for the tutorial :P

Link is broken. Can you please post a new one?

Nice !

Delete my message, fixed the errors.

You should explain a bit more..

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