AddPlayerClass by name

I wanted to make a skin for a certain name wich other players can't use. I was wondering if someone could help me out because I searched throught internet and I couldn't find a good one. I want to add this: If a person selects a skin that doesn't belong to him, he gets killed everytime untill he gets back in class selection.

Please help me out.

Under OnGamemodeInit() add all the player classes.
Then Under OnPlayerRequest Spawn:
new PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], str[128];
GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName));
  return 1;
else return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR,"Please choose another skin");

I get some errors but I can't find where I have to put the classid... any idea?

warning 217: loose indentation
error 017: undefined symbol "playername"
error 033: array must be indexed (variable "-unknown-")
error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR"
warning 217: loose indentation
warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "str"

Funnily this is the exact same question another guy asked a few minutes ago:

Here's my code:

public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid,classid)
  new cmpstr[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 5 && strcmp(cmpstr,"Jay",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"This skin is only for Jay!");
    return 0;
  return 1;

Originally Posted by juice.j
Funnily this is the exact same question another guy asked a few minutes ago:

Here's my code:

public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid,classid)
  new cmpstr[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 5 && strcmp(cmpstr,"Jay",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"This skin is only for Jay!");
    return 0;
  return 1;
Hmm iv'e tryed this and it doesn't work it locks all skins in class selection, Unless i done somthing wrong.

Yeah I saw it and i used it but I get this warning now : warning 225: unreachable code

This error is not caused by my code, I can compile it just fine

Somehow its very bugged now...
I used it like this:
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
  new cmpstr[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 1 && strcmp(cmpstr,"UnknownName",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,TEAM_GROVE_COLOR,"This skin is only for Sweet!");
    return 0;

  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 2 && strcmp(cmpstr,"UnknownName",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,TEAM_GROVE_COLOR,"This skin is only for Big Smoke!");
    return 0;

  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 3 && strcmp(cmpstr,"UnknownName",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,TEAM_GROVE_COLOR,"This skin is only for Ryder!");
    return 0;
  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 4 && strcmp(cmpstr,"UnknownName",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,TEAM_GROVE_COLOR,"This skin is only for CJ!");
    return 0;
  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 5 && strcmp(cmpstr,"UnknownName",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,TEAM_GROVE_COLOR,"This skin is only for OG Loc!");
    return 0;
  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 9 && strcmp(cmpstr,"UnknownName",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,TEAM_GROVE_COLOR,"This skin is only for Ballas Leader!");
    return 0;
  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 14 && strcmp(cmpstr,"UnknownName",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,TEAM_GROVE_COLOR,"This skin is only for Vagos Leader!");
    return 0;
  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 19 && strcmp(cmpstr,"UnknownName",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,TEAM_GROVE_COLOR,"This skin is only for Cesar Vialpando!");
    return 0;
  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 24 && strcmp(cmpstr,"UnknownName",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,TEAM_GROVE_COLOR,"This skin is only for T-Bone Mendez!");
    return 0;
  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 29 && strcmp(cmpstr,"UnknownName",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,TEAM_GROVE_COLOR,"This skin is only for The SnakeHead!");
    return 0;
  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 34 && strcmp(cmpstr,"UnknownName",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,TEAM_GROVE_COLOR,"This skin is only for Wu Zi Mu!");
    return 0;
  GetPlayerName(playerid, cmpstr, sizeof(cmpstr));
  if(classid == 39 && strcmp(cmpstr,"UnknownName",false))
    SendClientMessage(playerid,TEAM_GROVE_COLOR,"This skin is only for Mafia Leader!");
    return 0;
  return 1;

	if(classid == 0) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~]~r~Sean Sweet Johnson",1000,5);
	} else if (classid == 1) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~]~r~Melvin Big Smoke Harris",1000,5);
	} else if (classid == 2) {
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~]~r~Lance Ryder Wilson",1000,5);
	} else if (classid == 3) {
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~]~r~Carl CJ Johnson",1000,5);
	} else if (classid == 4) {
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~]~r~Jeffrey OG Loc Cross",1000,5);
	} else if (classid == 5 || classid == 6 || classid == 7 || classid == 8) {
		GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~g~Grove Street Families",1000,5);
	} else if(classid == 9) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~]~r~Los Santos Ballas Leader",1000,5);
	} else if(classid == 10 || classid == 11 || classid == 12 || classid == 13) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~p~Los Santos Ballas",1000,5);
 	} else if(classid == 14) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~]~r~Los Santos Vagos Leader",1000,5);
	} else if(classid == 15 || classid == 16 || classid == 17 || classid == 18) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~Los Santos Vagos",1000,5);
	} else if(classid == 19) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~]~r~Cesar Vialpando",1000,5);
	} else if(classid == 20 || classid == 21 || classid == 22 || classid == 23) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~b~Varrios Los Aztecas",1000,5);
	} else if(classid == 24) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~]~r~T-Bone Mendez",1000,5);
	} else if(classid == 25 || classid == 26 || classid == 27 || classid == 28) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~b~La Rifa",1000,5);
	} else if(classid == 29) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~]~r~The SnakeHead",1000,5);
	} else if(classid == 30 || classid == 31 || classid == 32 || classid == 33) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~w~Da Nang Boys",1000,5);
	} else if(classid == 34) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~]~r~Wu Zi Mu",1000,5);
	} else if(classid == 35 || classid == 36 || classid == 37 || classid == 38) {
	} else if(classid == 39) {
	  GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~]~r~Mafia Leader",1000,5);
	} else if(classid == 40 || classid == 41 || classid == 42 || classid == 43 || classid == 44 || classid == 45) {

	return 1;

That is soo wrong ;o

Can you tell me the right way than?

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