Test Drive Unlimited 2 coming out fall 2010 !!

Test Drive Unlimited 2 transforms the driving genre, adding the persistency, progression and customization of the latest multiplayer games to the auto racing experience. Test Drive Unlimited 2 blends single player and multiplayer experiences seamlessly, creating a dynamic world of evolving content and challenges. Players define their online persona through unparalleled customization of their avatars and vehicles, and the acquisition of property, clothing and other accoutrements of a luxurious international lifestyle. All-new race types, vehicle classes, environmental challenges, locations and much more push this epic franchise to new levels of performance.


Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows

© http://www.testdriveunlimited2.com <- You can find more info there !


Are there any serious fans here? Those who cant wait anymore for this game to be released ? :P

I cant wait!! I love Test Drive Unlimited, All i do is drive! Its awesome, So cant wait for TDU2!!

Originally Posted by Joe Torran C
I cant wait!! I love Test Drive Unlimited, All i do is drive! Its awesome, So cant wait for TDU2!!
Best game for freeroam ever !

Looks awesome!

Pretty epic, i doubt it will run on my PC tho. Also doubt that im unable to play it online with a non-original version.

Originally Posted by Guedes_
Pretty epic, i doubt it will run on my PC tho. Also doubt that im unable to play it online with a non-original version.
My PC can hardly handle the first part, but i hope to get new pc this summer (not sure thou).
You think it will have Bugatti Veyron ?
For those, who played TDU: what you liked more cars or bikes ?:P (there gonna be bikes in TDU2, just a lil bit later in megapack as it was with the first part!)

2 Joe Terran C:
they will include Oahu into second part too !! with improved graphix, new roads (~600km + offroad 300km), new engine etc..

-in all excitement drops dead..-

Lol, All i do is play Test Drive Unlimited so maybe i wont want to goto sleep with the new one :O
Anyway i like cars more than bikes

Never played TDU, i didn't knew there were bikes..... but ye i like Cars more then bikes. Hope theres damage inclued on TDU2 so i can ram the bikers and their bikes, this if illegal version works online ofc.

Btw Luxeon, whats your specs atm?

Originally Posted by Joe Torran C
Lol, All i do is play Test Drive Unlimited so maybe i wont want to goto sleep with the new one :O
same i actually like GTA's only bcaz of driving.
TDU is so real, if u have ever driven A8 4.2 irl and in TDU u will feel it almost the same (same with aston martin, mercedes sl55, audi rs4 and ferrari 360, thou i have only been as passenger, not driver in these cars irl). I still cant understand how they could make it soo realistic...astonishing!
Originally Posted by Joe Torran C
Anyway i like cars more than bikes
It depends on my mood
After reaching 100% (two times) i started creating my own races and trying to pass em as fast as possible (via this i compare cars).
Your fav car ?:P
mine: RS4 (sadly it has 250km/h limit as in irl -.-) and slr mclaren for fast driving (>250 XD)

Originally Posted by Guedes_
Never played TDU, i didn't knew there were bikes..... but ye i like Cars more then bikes. Hope theres damage inclued on TDU2 so i can ram the bikers and their bikes, this if illegal version works online ofc.

Btw Luxeon, whats your specs atm?
there will be visual exterior damage, that wont affect car specs.

my specs: Celeron 2.8ghz, 1.5gb ram, Radeon 9600 128mb... (built my PC 3 years ago)
TDu lags when 'testers' are near me. (Joe will understand who 'testers' are )


Ok so my specs are:

1.6Ghz Intel Dual Core (3.2Ghz)
1GB Ram
512Mb ATI Radeon X1950 Pro
Well hope those are enough to run the game properly.

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