SetPlayerSkin desync

If you die after you had used SetPlayerSkin it will revert back to your previous skin but only on your own computer. It will stay the same at other peoples computers. I took two screenshots to prove it. They were taken at the same time.

[img width=960 height=768][/img]
[img width=1024 height=640][/img]

I can confirm this. I fix that with re-setting player's skin under OnPlayerSpawn, so desync doesn't happen.

Unsure on calling it a bug.

Suppose temp skins until they respawn (Possibly keep their main skin without permanently setting it).

Permanent skin :
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, skinid);
SetPlayerSpawnInfo(playerid, skinid, x, y, z, a, 0,0,0,0,0,0);
Not at home atm, I have a feeling the SetPlayerSpawnInfo params are wrong.

EDIT : Ooops, the desync lol Yeah you're right, it's bugged

I set spawn info with SetSpawnInfo, but still skin is desynced (CJ beats all other skins ).

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