Wierd bug, Nobodys taking damage?

Ok in my gamemode, You cant damage the player, You punch them, they stand still, loose no health. Any ideas?

Sure the other guy isn't alt-tabbed and messing with you?

Aside from that, check your OnPlayerUpdate(), something may be getting lost in there.

Nope, I'm not paused(im the guy who helped him), I can't damage him either

SetPlayerTeam(playerid, teamid);

make sure you're not both on the same team :P

Originally Posted by Rac3r
SetPlayerTeam(playerid, teamid);

make sure you're not both on the same team :P
If he is using gTeam this won't help i think..

I got the same problem. Guns do work except sniper, and all melee attacks wont work.

When my friend punches me, I see him swinging his arm, but I don't recoil or something.

Yeah, same thing, but the sniper doesnt work.

and yes im using gTeam.

Maybe they used knife on you, and you got bugged..

I had this once aswell, but not like that. Player was just walking, without animation. He was standing still, and just walked to me. Even if he attacked me (without animation), I didn't lose HP:P

Maybe check if your OnPlayerUpdate return's 1 or 0 :P

What if you dont even have OnPlayerUpdate?

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