Lotto more random numbers

Hey all

It's like that always the same numbers coming and not the numbers like 1 2 3 5 6 49 etc..

How can i make it that it should be full random (max number should be 49)

new rand = random(49);?
if(rand < 47) rand += 3;


[49] not (49) I think

I don't know exactly what you mean:
pawn Код:
new rand = random(49); // 49 is MAX so correct
if(rand < 47) rand += 3; // I don't know what you mean with this
Lotto(rand);// I think you mean: Lotto = rand;
But if you want Lotto = 1 until 49 then you can use this:
pawn Код:
Lotto = random(49);

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