wtfFFF ! why did this happen ?

look i tryed to test my server with a friend and when we spawned we were dying .. couldnt move or anything ... like .. i died 69 times in 29 seconds ... that happened 7 times .. is there anything wrong with the onplayerupdate ? on my playerupdate there is return 0; what it should be ? is it right ?

Originally Posted by Rocky
look i tryed to test my server with a friend and when we spawned we were dying .. couldnt move or anything ... like .. i died 69 times in 29 seconds ... that happened 7 times .. is there anything wrong with the onplayerupdate ? on my playerupdate there is return 0; what it should be ? is it right ?
make it return 1 for 1 2 ur grav is probly wrong so login to rcon using /rcon login password here
then do /rcon gravity 0.008

i keep dying and dying .. its not about the gravity ... so whats the mistake .. now onplyaerspawn i dont have any setplayeheath(playerid,0); .... i dont have that .. now whats wrong with it ?

What gamemode are u using? And post some of the code if you can

look .. when i changed pc .. i ran it from another operating system .. it worked .... dont know what that is but .. it works .. sometimes i die .. sometimes i dont die .. i will double check ... but i think there is something wrong with my pc ... u know the settings of hte game i think

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