Spawn at Blueberry, need help!

Well.. When i log in to a server, i often start falling down. After about 15 second falling i spawn at the corner in blueberry.
It's a very, very bad bug or something.
That server scripters don't know how to fix this problem.
They have said that it's caused because of bad internet connection.

But i think, that it's something else, because i know very many peole who have great connection and still have this problem.
Additional information: First we were playing in LS. Then we decided to move RC. Result = spawn at the blueberry corner.
Im very pissed of because this bug. When i buy eagle (it's about 4k in that server) and i lose it in 20 sec.. I have worked like 5 hours for nothing.

I thinked that you guys can help me so i can help these people to fix this problem.

Here is the pic

maybe they set the Z coordinate to low

and btw this is in the wrong section

1. Wrong section
2. Messed up code can cause this // no AddPlayerClass can cause this,

And you fall = Thats normal, There coordinates 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
But you spawn at the corner because thats what happens if you fall in what i call "Underworld"
If you were to fall in the underworld somewhere else u would spawn on ground not far from where you started faling

Originally Posted by Joe Torran C
1. Wrong section
2. Messed up code can cause this // no AddPlayerClass can cause this,

And you fall = Thats normal, There coordinates 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
But you spawn at the corner because thats what happens if you fall in what i call "Underworld"
If you were to fall in the underworld somewhere else u would spawn on ground not far from where you started faling
1. Im sorry, maybe some nice person can move it to right place.
2. So it can be fixed, right?
3. Falling is nothing. I lose my stuff /guns/ and thats bigger problem..
It doesnt matter from where i start falling int the underworld. Always i spawn at BB corner.

And thank you very much guys. Really luv ya

"in to a server"? is it the same server all the time you are falling (spawn at 0-coords==empty array accessed)? i cant imagine that you spawn in BB-underworld (lol) in more than 1 server all the time.
i assume you talked to the scripter(s)? if so, your question here points out that he didnt listen/understand your question, so he decided to disguise you with:
"bad internet connection"? o.O wth.... he was kidding you!
some players are able to play with a ping >=800, how much bandwith does it needs to transfer some fucking coordinates (once!) to spawn at?
"scripters don't know how to fix"? no way! if a scripter is not able to fix a problem, then hes obviously not a scripter, its a guy who copy-n-pasted some snippets together w/o knowing how to.
erm.. scipterS? more than 1 guy not knowing how to fix a BASIC problem that EACH beginner must face at least once? that does it.

MY solution for this would be:
- start samp.
- get yourself banned to ensure you wont NEVER join this piece of shit again.
- delete the server from your fav list.
- close and restart samp.

maybe that guy reads it, then i have a suggestion:
OT: i just saw the clock, its amazing! i wonder when he tries to get a clock-weather system working with clock AND smooth weather transitions combined - there are some functions included in SAMP belonging to the clock. so why reinvent the wheel? i dont get it...
./td 0.1

its cause because of wrong classes or spawns or some error in the script

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