Scripting job available [$20-$30PAYMENT]

i am willing to pay for you to script for my RPG server the prices i will be paying depends on the tasks you have accomplished at end of week then it will be $20 to $30.
sorry for english
send me pm with your messanger for talk
payment paypal only

still in search

that's Ј17.50 to me for a hole weeks worth of coding? I would never do that, when someone offer's some real money for work then they will get help.

no way i am not going higher then $20 for some simple coding

Originally Posted by Bobbybrown39
no way i am not going higher then $20 for some simple coding
then you do it.

i cant code at all
i came from roblox, i code there

Originally Posted by [ĦŁ₣
If you wan't to do something that requires a certain skill, you have to learn that skill, if you get someone else to do it, it won't be your project. You can't just get someone to boss about and script what you want them to script then just pay them a bit of money, if you can't script then you can either learn, find a scripter who will do what you tell them or if you don't want to learn to script yet you still want to have an sense of authority apply to be an admin on a server, but don't just ask, go join a server you like, make friends and gain respect, then if you ask people will accept you into the community as a position of authority and responsibility.

Either that or just take the complete noobs route and download a script...

your choice.
Kinda rude, but agree

Originally Posted by [ĦŁ₣
If you wan't to do something that requires a certain skill, you have to learn that skill, if you get someone else to do it, it won't be your project. You can't just get someone to boss about and script what you want them to script then just pay them a bit of money, if you can't script then you can either learn, find a scripter who will do what you tell them or if you don't want to learn to script yet you still want to have an sense of authority apply to be an admin on a server, but don't just ask, go join a server you like, make friends and gain respect, then if you ask people will accept you into the community as a position of authority and responsibility.

Either that or just take the complete noobs route and download a script...

your choice.
Agree 100%

Agree 100%

I agree to that man.

fucking hell i did not make the topic for you guys to come and spam
if you want script for me and i pay then do so if you don't no need to spam

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