sa:mp editor with resources

I'm currently in the process of creating a new editor/compiler for SA:MP. I was thinking of adding sort of a 'resources' window to it, since it's pointless to make separate applications for them, if you could just add them into an editor. So far, I've added 14 categories: Sounds, colors, vehicles, weapons, weather, gametexts, pickup types, pickup models, player states, skill levels, player keys, fighting styles, explosion types and weapon states. My question is, would people actually use this sort of 'built-in' resource window? As far as I'm concerned, it would be a lot faster than opening up a separate application or going through the wikipedia.

Here's a screenshot of the skins window:

[img height=300 width=500][/img]

Of course they would!

I would definitely use this if you release it.

Yes, and PLEASE.

I've been looking for a good working editor forever now.

Also, it'd be nice to be able to have optional highlighting options. Like, being able to choose the highlighting colors, ect.

If there won't be at least highlighting and code collapsing i think most ppl will still use Pawno

As you can see from the screenshot, it already has syntax-highlighting. I'm currently working on code folding and intellisense.

how about tabbed scripts? Work on more than one script.


Already has that feature.

this will be epic, i also think that resources box is a very very good idea, any idea when this will be released? whenever it is i will 100% use it


Finally, someone who actually knows what they're doing and they're doing it right. This is a good-looking piece of software mate. Here's a wee suggestion for you: one thing that's always done my head in is when in the PAWNO compiler there's an error when you try to compile, it never makes what line obvious. You have to search through the code and find the error line. Why not make life easier for people and do what Microsoft do for their compilers and highlight code where an error has occured during compiling?

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