[HELP] Unknown Problem?

Hello again!

The problem I got this time is, when I want to edit a players .ini file like... if I want to make myself a Leader or an Admin I open the .ini and edit the value from 0 to 1.
When I try to connect and /login it just tells me "This password does not match the name", it works to login before I edited the vaule.

I'm using this register system:


Do you know what I should do to be able to edit players profiles?


try to use ladmin4v2

Originally Posted by djvolt
try to use ladmin4v2
I like the current register system and it works good ingame, but when I try to edit the play .ini files it wont let me login.

ladmin4v2 is a good admin script and an usefully one... i can give it to you I use this script and it's verry good. You can set admin's level

Originally Posted by djvolt
ladmin4v2 is a good admin script and an usefully one... i can give it to you I use this script and it's verry good. You can set admin's level
I script my own admin levels and ranks, and I know about ladmin and I dont want it, thanks anyway.

Someone else know how to solve this problem?

Add a little debug message that outputs the password gained from the ini file so that you can see what is wrong with it.


Output both the encrypted password entered at /login and the one gained from the file (To compare)

Originally Posted by FUNExtreme
Add a little debug message that outputs the password gained from the ini file so that you can see what is wrong with it.


Output both the encrypted password entered at /login and the one gained from the file (To compare)
This might sound a little dumkopf but, how do you add a debug message?

A debug message is actually just a normal message. Its just called debug message because it is used to debug a script

so you could use printf("%s", Variablewithpassword) wich will print it in the server log

Originally Posted by FUNExtreme
A debug message is actually just a normal message. Its just called debug message because it is used to debug a script

so you could use printf("%s", Variablewithpassword) wich will print it in the server log
Okey, I've added two printf messages, what should I do now?

When I typed login the printf was visible from both the /login and OnPlayerLogin.

And this is the result when I edited the ini and tried to login, the printf is only visible from the /login.


You should compare the 2 prints and see what the difference is. It could help you to find the problem

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