Hello everyone! New to GTASA MP and have a few questions!!!

Sup all!

I recently learned of this awesome mod and went out to get the PC version!!! Long story short, I now have GTA SA MP installed and so far it works great!!!! However, I have a few questions if y'all don't mind!

1. I am a complete n00b at PC GTA SA. I completed the PS2 version at 100%, so I'm not unfamiliar with the game. The thing that is killing me is the controls!!!! They are just very confusing and weird, I am having a lot of trouble getting used to them. I haven't flown yet, but I heard that that is a pain in the ass. Do the controls get easier to learn and use over time then the PS2 version Any suggested re-mapping?? Also, I turned off to invert mouse controls and it is not working. Any idea why??

2. Going back to the n00b issue, I have no idea on the different game modes in MP SA. There seems to be many of them. I went on this one server and there was like 20 different "jobs" to choose from, and a whole bunch of commands to choose from, it was so confusing. Is there any kind of relaible way to figure out what kind of mode you are going to paly in when you connect to a server?

3. How accepting is the GTA SA community to n00bs such as myself I know that with a lot of online video games,the community can be very vicious to those new to the experience. Will they be willing to help me if I ask a question, or will I be treated like crap?

4. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to give me an IP address to a server that offered massive gang wars. I would also appreciate if said server was in english (Every server I tried was in a foreign language, why is this?) and supports at least 250 players. Also, are there any other types of IPs or mods that offer massive epic gun fights similar to this one

5. Why is it that a lot of the servers I tried disconnected me as soon as I entered (it said some kind of weird text in a different language that I could not read in the server then "the server has disconnected you"). Also, do I have to register with servers?? A few of them told me to register, but I could still play.

6. Also, just any regular tips for pwning at the online game would be cool!!!!

Thanks in advance for any and all answers!!!!!!

1. ESC----Options---Redefine Controls---Vehicle/On foot controls. You can change them what you like.

2. you see the ''Mode'' After the ''players'' and ''ping'' before connectiong to the server.

3. Well, there's no rule that we can't take noobs here but it depends on the server.

4. Check the hosted list or server advertisements board.

5. Depends on the server.

6. You get experience while you play.

Welcome to the community.

SfPwns already answered a few of the questions well but I'll just add-on to some of them.

3. As long as you aren't a douchebag, follow the rules of each server, and generally know English (which I can see you do), you should be fine.

6. When in gun fights, aim for lag. In other words, shoot where the enemy is going to be, not where they are. For example, if the enemy is running left, aim just infront of his body.

On question 3:
That depends on the server you play on, but mostly they are accepting.

On question 4:
I don't think you will find a gangwars server with 250 players on it. There's smaller ones tho, look in the Internet List.

On question 6:
Watch this video:
SA-MP Tips #1 - Lag (Sync)

Also, there's a few tricks like the 'crouch shot' and 'scrolling reload', search for them in ******* and you will own

Originally Posted by Damned536
6. Also, just any regular tips for pwning at the online game would be cool!!!!
As someone said earlier, about "scroll" reload, use MMB and scroll up to the next weapon and come back fast right before your ready to reload, this will give you a full clip of amo in a fraction of the time it takes for your played to reload.

I remember those days!!! Playing this game will soon be a piece of cake, believe me. I think you will like this more, than the PS2 version, especially SA:MP.

*Thanks Kye

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