10.04.2010, 17:57
Well guys i am making a locker system witch includes storing Weapons Materials and Drugs and im not good with variables so i have my doubts since i never really messed before ok im using a command /locker with strcmp for [store|take] then [weapons|mats|drugs]
ok well the deal is that is it possible to save on this file
do you guys know how to use same lockerslot to save a variable wich right now 0 be replaced with the weapon id so i got it working with guns until now is it possible to do something like
i hope you understand and please help me
ok well the deal is that is it possible to save on this file
PlayerInfo[playerid][pLockerSlot] = 0;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pLockerSlot] = word Ammount; //Replace the 0 with the word Materials/Drugs and the ammount Example PlayerInfo[playerid][pLockerSlot] = Materials 5000; how do i make it read so materials dosent get buged with weapons id wich will mess the code up and make it work as materials ? so when i take that locker slot it gives me the right thing either weapons materials or drugs