22.03.2008, 17:49
Originally Posted by Zamaroht
I don't provide support for this gamemode anymore, if you want to try it out by yourself, do it, but I'm not providing support for it anymore.
One of the reasons why I'm doing this is because the script has a lot of known bugs (which by now I forgot, this is about 3 years old) which I won't be able to fix due to the poor organization of the script functions and algorithms, and because it's very old and completly outdated, I'd rather script something back from scratch than fix this. |
Well, this is my 1000 post and want to use this opportunity for release the Compton City RPG script, a scratch-made RolePlay script.
This script was created by me (Zamaroht) and jtg91, early in june 07. It started as a server project for SAB clan. We both were practically new to scripting when we started this, that's why you could find this as an huge piece of noob code, and I'd agree, but during the development we learned a lot.
We started to grow a community up, and work everyday on the script, reaching a 7000 lines script, with a primitive built-in admin system. It closed due to the stress that was the demanding of script updating everyday, and that we were just two for control a community which was getting bigger.
Compton City: First Time User Guide
_________________________________________________Living Your New Life
_________________________________________________In Compton City (CC), you will be able to live a "New Life", where you can be:
- Policeman
- Medic
- Citizen*
_________________________________________________If you want money, you have two ways:
- Job
- Benefits
Also, everyday (24mins playing) you will get a benefit of $80 from the government. For more information, look Benefits (keep reading).
_________________________________________________What are CC Benefits? CC Benefits are for people that cant work and can claim of the government for money, anyway if you are working then you will receive these benefits too.
How much do i get? CC Government will give you $80 every 1 day (24mins playing time)
Why do you only give so little? Because we want to make this CC as real as possible and in the real world this is about what you would get.
Where can i collect my benefits? The money will go directly to your pocket.
_________________________________________________If you have a decent job and just do what the law say, follow cops orders, dont disturb in the city, and dont cause troubles, all will be fine. Every time you commit a crime, the cops will get informed about you and your location, and you will get informed too. Also, in the top right corner of the screen, you will have some stars, showing how wanted you are. The more wanted you are, the more cops will follow you, and the higher tax and jail sentence you will have to pay.
_________________________________________________If you find a vehicle around there, that won't mean that you will be able to drive the car. First of all, doing that you will be commiting a crime and you can be captured by the policemen around there. Also, the car can be locked by its owner, so you will neither be able to get in it.
If you want to have your own car, you must buy it with your job money. For do this, you will be able to use the /buycar command, or request the owner to do /sellcall for sell his car to you.
Passports & Gun License
_________________________________________________These two are needed for go from one city to another (passport) and for carry guns (gun license) leggally.
You can look more information here:
- Passports (keep reading)
- Gun License (it was planned to be added, but never was finished)
_________________________________________________Q:How can i get a passport?
A:Passports are issued at your local government location and are marked on the map with

Q:Why do we need to apply for a passport?
A:This is so we can check your details when issuing your passport.
Q:Why do we need passports?
A:Passports are for security reasons and for the safety of you, passports are to make sure the government know who is going in and out of the cities and checking there details as they pass through.
You will find in line 11 a define with the passport password. You can use a quiz in your website or any other way you can think of for reveal the password to the players. Its a nice technique to change the password from time to time so the players don't tell each other and they have to do the quiz/whatever.
_________________________________________________Never was finished, so there aren't.
_________________________________________________There aren't scripting bussiness, but is fun how people of the community can start their own bussiness as a taxi company for example. It's true, it isn't scripted, but all depends on the community imagination, so I really advise to have a Bussiness or Advertisement sub-board on your forum.
_________________________________________________Player Commands
- /911 [ID] [Reason] □ 袠eports crime to police
- /phone [ID] [Message] □ 猂ike PM but only for people with phones COST = $150
- /medic [Location] □ □alls medic for help
- /lock □ Locks your vehicle
- /unlock □ Unlock your vehicle
- /laws □ Lists CC Laws
- /calltaxi [LOCATION] □ Sends Out message to people for pickup
- /paytaxi □ pays the taxi driver the required price
- /givecash [ID] [AMOUNT] □ ives player cash
- /vid □ ets vehicle ID that you are in
- /say [MESSAGE] □ □alks to the player/players near you
- /mylotto = Tells you your current lotto numbers
- * Zamaroht [ACTION] = Action command
- /bribe [ID] [AMOUNT] □ Bribe the police to set you unwanted
- /peat = eats your ordered pizza
- /hire [ID] [PAY] [DETAILS] = Hires a bodyguard
- /payguard [ID] = Pays your hired bodyguard
- /kills = Tells you how many people you have killed
- /deaths □ Tells you how many times you have died
- /jails □ Tells you how many people you have jailed
- /hitman [ID] [PRICE] □ Sets a bounty on the ID
- /bounties □ Shows current hitman bounties
- /gasloc □ Tells you locations of gas stations
- /bank [AMOUNT] □ Puts money into your bank account
- /withdraw [AMOUNT] □ Takes money from your account
- /balance □ Tells you how much money you have in bank
- /lotto [NUMBER1] [NUMBER2] [NUMBER3] = Buys a lotto ticket
- /jackpot = Tells you how much money is in the lotto jackpot
- /wire [ID] [AMOUNT] □ Puts money from your account to the ID's account
- /ad [ADVERT] □ 鼦dvertise your business using this command
- /heal [ID] □ Healths player (Medic Only)
- /taxi [PRICE] □ Set your status as taxi and earn money
- /pizza [PRICE] □ Set your status as pizzaboy and earn money
- /bodyduty = Turns yourself into a bodyguard to hire
- /radiohelp = quick commands for bodyguards
- /resign = quit your bodyguard job
- /backup [Location] = □alls for backup
- /disarm = 賷isarms the criminal in your police car
- /jail □ 獱ails criminal (only at jails)
- /a = 䒷tandard generated text
- /suspect [ID] [REASON] = 蟖ops to make people wanted for crimes
- /bribeacc = 鼦ccepts bribe
- /bribedec = 痃ecline bribe
- /dep [MESSAGE] = Radio to department
- /block = 饊ocks criminal in your car
- /unblock = unlocks criminal in your car
You can spawn as:
- Citizen
- Cop
- Medic
- Jail system
- Bribe system for cops
- Crime system, automatly gets you wanted a certain amount of wanted level depending on the crime you commited, cops also can use /suspect for players driving in wrong way, etc.
- Various cop commands (check above)
- Truck mini-mission system: A truck delivering endurace of 20-30 minutes, with records saved using /truck10, and with prizes.
- Bank system. Also a manual lottery system, which isn't finished in the current release of the script, although the numbers can be checked in a manual way looping through all the user saved files. Just for advanced users.
- Fuel system
- Sexy textdrawed Speed'o'meter
- Different amount of money lost depending if you died killed by somebody, or by an accident, etc.
- Criminals are shown with different colors for easy cop identification. Cops are semi-transparent on the map.
- A lot more of things I can't remember
Fix it, I'm not working anymore on this script and I know it has bugs, which was one of the reason of the stop of the development, although they aren't really serious bugs, and never experienced a server crash, nor client crash.
Feel free to modify/disrtibute this gamemode as much as you want, but ALWAYS keeping a clearly link to this topic, and the names Zamaroht and jtg91 as base script coders.
These forums were used during Compton City RPG, so you can get a main idea on how you can organize your forum for this.
Modify it, I'm just releasing it as many people wanted

.PWN File
.AMX File
Necessary files (Put them inside scriptfiles folder, if it doesn't exist inside your server folder, create it)