Anti teamkill

3 players, Mike Danny and Sonny.

Mike shoots Sonny and Danny - they take no damage
Danny or Sonny shoots Mike - Mike takes damge

Our team is 1, all 3 of us are in team 1.

That bugs been there forever...afaik

Can't reproduce.

Tried to code it , works sometimes , but the bug goes through few times.

Originally Posted by Burridge
That bugs been there forever...afaik
What Burridge said.

It seems after a few seconds the SetPlayerTeam gets reset or something. Just make a timer every 10 or so seconds to reset the players team.

#include <a_samp>

public OnGameModeInit()
  AddPlayerClass(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // required

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
  SetPlayerTeam(playerid, 1);
Works fine.

I threw up a quick DM mode and tried it out.

No timer, only SetPlayerTeam when they spawn (about 25/30 players)
Sometimes was able to team kill with a deagle, very rarely. People at spawn trying to kill each other, but failing. The odd team kill seen in deathbox.

Timer to update SetPlayerTeam every second (about 10/15 players)
Not one team kill that I know of.

But GetPlayerTeam was returning 1 for all 3 of us?

Originally Posted by Mikep.
3 players, Mike Danny and Sonny.

Mike shoots Sonny and Danny - they take no damage
Danny or Sonny shoots Mike - Mike takes damge

Our team is 1, all 3 of us are in team 1.
Conformed, Have a TDM server for other past 2 to 3 years with coding changed @ 0.3.

Anti TK works 90% of the time, the more players, the more likely for a TK, but it cannot be produced and its, in a way rare but frequent thing.

If you set team with AddClassEx or SetSpawnInfo, you will get proper team with GetPlayerTeam, but anti-team kill won't work. You need to re-apply team under OnPlayerSpawn. Also if you set team during gameplay and then die, you will stay in the same team, but anti-team kill won't be activated anymore after spawn.

Team is set to 1 in both OnPlayerConnect and OnPlayerSpawn, still doesn't work. Should I use AddPlayerClassEx then?

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