[GameMode] [GM] Adrenaline (Racing)


[Image: sa-mp-000_small.jpg][Image: sa-mp-002_small.jpg]

Main Features:
-Included are 29 Races
-Support for Unlimited Races
-MTA style starting grid
-Make and save your own races in-game.
-Top5 Highscore system
-Support for air races
-Race Voting system to decide next race.

/rescueme (return to grid)
/newcar (spawns a new car for you)
/buildmode on (enter buildmode, you will not be teleported to the next race ect.)
/buildmode off (exit buildmode and return to grid)
/top5 (top5 records for this race)

Admin commands
/track [racename] (forces a track change to the map)
/pause (pauses the counting down to the next race)
/resume (resumes counting down)
/addtorotation [racename] (adds the named road to the rotation and voting)

Race Making tutorial
1) type '/buildmode on' into chat
2) Use your up+down and sprint keys to select options for WorldTime,Weather,TrackTime,Car type from the menu
3) Set the name of the race using '/set [racename]'
4) Get to the start of your race (teleporting is turned on here so you can teleport using the map, type /newcar if you lose your car)
5)Drive to a good position for the first person to start in (Grid Position: 1st) And press your FIRE button (mouse1) to save the location.
6)Drive to a good position for the second person to start in (Grid Position: 2nd) And press your FIRE button (mouse1) to save the location.
7)Drive around your planned race using FIRE (mouse1) to set checkpoints along the way
Once you have saved the last checkpoint (Finish line) type '/saverace'
9)If you are an admin type '/track [racename]' to load up your finished race.
10) if you are an admin and want your race to show up in rotation type '/addtorotation [racename]'

Planned Future Features
-Allow non-admins to add their races to the votes
-Some limiting of vehicle types to stick below the 70 type limit
-More vehicle options in creating races
-Add the singleplayer races
-Support for interior races
-A more advanced score tracking system
-Tools to edit finished races
-Maybe a buy menu for mods+NOS

-Don't go too crazy vehicle types, there is no limiting to stop you hitting 70 types.
-If for some reason you want the mode to change after x amount of races, edit #define RACES_TILL_MODECHANGE 0
-The track rotation is kept in racenames.txt inside your scriptfiles folder


Kynen: Highscore() code he made for me
******: Used GetXYInFrontOfPlayer() as base of Grid function
Simon: Used ConvertToSafeInput() as base for CheckSafeInput()
Dabombber: TimeConvert()
Yagu: Referenced his race filterscript early on http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=20637.0

Any other person who crashed while on my TestServer

> Download Adrenaline (Racing) 1.06 by switch <

1.06 Released 30/08/07
changelog 1.06
-Changed some TextDraw code to fix crash on re-entering the server Needed for 0.2.2!
-Added #define SHOW_JOINS_PARTS comment to hide joins+parts

1.05 Released 30/08/07
changelog 1.05
-Redone textdraws for 0.2.2
-Added extra info to racing textdraw showing how many current racers (/5, /12 ect)

1.04 Released 29/08/07
changelog 1.04
-Fixed inconsistencies between /newcar and /nc
-Fixed a bug that would allow you to use a buildcar during a race.
-Allowed unlimited newcars in buildmode

1.03 Released 28/08/07
changelog 1.03
-Re-done vehicle spawning system; Greatly reduced the frequency of crashing.
-Changed the way buildmenus are created, should fix votemenu's from not showing
-Allows a limit of spare cars each race to be set (default 2)
-Each race set in a new virtualworld
-Race builders are given their own virtual world.
-Added more vehicles to buildmenu
-Newly built races are added to "buildlog.txt" along with creator name and date.

1.02 Released - 05/06/07
changelog 1.02
-Fixed /top5 command
-Fixed textDraw timer for linux servers

1.01 Released - 30/06/07
changelog 1.01
-Fixed grid starting in race: Speeder
-Fixed grid starting in race: Reckless
-Improved grid placing code (player sorting now done by quicksort)
-Fixed bug: Menu's were not being destroyed, causing them to reach the limit.
-Fixed bug: The next race countdown doesn't get shortened to 30 seconds until ALL players have finished
-Players now don't see voting menu after the next track has been decided
-/newcar command will now instantly give them a car if they aren't currently in one (dunno why i took this out)

Nice i gonne try that

This is the next gen racing mode ^^

In sum weeks every1 racing server will use this mode you'l see^^

Thanks switch for this gr8 mode, and to let me test the stuff with ya


yup, this one is very good! Get a server and play this, i will join ! And these are 200 slots and in mta only 32 guess it...

The best racemode
thanks switch u are the Best Race modder

I run this mode on [RSD] Server


looks sweet

ahh racing...

This is awesome man.

Looks good, need to try it. This will be very useful.

can you pleace change the .race folder?
I want that its be like that:
or something like that :X

thx =]

Originally Posted by kspeed
can you pleace change the .race folder?
I want that its be like that:
or something like that :X

thx =]
Ask and you shall receive. [.pwn] [.amx] (stick all .race files and racenames.txt into folder AdrenalineRacing inside scriptfiles folder (sampserverfolder/scriptfiles/AdrenalineRacing)

Hey switch is back

I heard rumours from aero, now I'll have to start racing again. I couldn't do it without you, you know :P

Your race script looks great switch, i will be using it in my server of course, good job.


looks like I have to upgrade :P *is working hard*

Cool. I will check this out soon.

Superb mode, much improved. Even though, I miss the modding at transfender, your mode just works fine!

2 tiny bugs, sometimes the text draw goes all Pete Tong.
My position vanishes sometimes and the time (minutes actually) looks as if there is 2 numbers there, when there should only be one.
Just letting you know m8, I ain't bitching. lol

can it be used as a filterscript .?

Thanks for the replies guys, if you have any need for new features or suggestions please say.

Originally Posted by kynen
Hey switch is back

I heard rumours from aero, now I'll have to start racing again. I couldn't do it without you, you know :P
My server isn't really a proper server atm, just up when my spare pc isn't being used. Still, I came back for 0.2 as there was a lot of things I wanted to do scripting wise that I couldn't in 0.1. Cheers for the coding you did on my previous mode Even the cool stuff that never made it into the released code (team racing, player challenges).

Originally Posted by flippi
can it be used as a filterscript .?
Not unless you are prepared to do some coding, no sorry. Check out [FS] Yagu's Race filterscript

I'm absoloutelly stunned. Nice script!

I'm going to keep all credits intact for ya

How come sometimes there are white arrows in checkpoints and is there a way to remove them?


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