Name trigger command[CLOSED I FIXED IT]

Ok so i got this scirpt and blah blah blah, but how to make if player name is not my name

ex. Jake_Bear,

how to kick them out?

huh what do you mean?

Like ok the name of the owner of a car Ex. Jake_Bear.

If they don't have that name they get kicked out, so anyother name in the server would get kicked out of that car.

Don't tell me there isn't a way of doing that, because i know you can.

yh but we need to know how works your vehicle system?

you use godfather edit? or?

Nvm i really got all the code from here.

I have all that working. But like if you enter the vehicle, and the name is not"Jake_Bear" you get kicked out, i am sure an older memebers know's what i mean.


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