Looking for an professinonal on scripting'

I am looking for a good scripter that will script me a roleplaying script.

What i want:

City: SF
I want this script to have a really unique thing compared to other servers, like i want a really good character making system at the beginning.
It should ask you for you're fighting skill,walking style,name,middle name(if you have one),last name, age,religion, and where in SA you come from.

I also want a really good vehicle system(this includes dealership and rentable cars), the spawning spot should be at the police station, it should have some rentable cars somewhere and i will tell you that later. Dealership should be at the place next to the train station in SF, it should have about 50 buyable cars and there shouldn't be any bugs. Non-dynmaic too

Property System(Biz and house etc..)

There should be alot of houses and apartment buildings around SF even at the place over the bridge and there should be a balanced price all that blah blah blah. non-dynamic again

Faction System: The factions system should be fairly easy to add ( no dynamic system for this too non-dynamic)
There should be these factions added before you give me the script: FBI, SFPD ( i also want the HQ to be done for police and cars to drive for factions only) Government (Mayor should also have an office in the city hall near the bridge), Military ( The military HQ will be at the Ship and if you can add a bridge so they can get up or a staircase.

Job System: Jobs should be easy to join, at the city hall you can go in a apply for a job and there should be a list of different ones. I will tell you them later.

ATM system: i want a Credit card also in this script and you will be able to buy them at the bank for a price. Also i need a atm machines around the city so you can actually check you're money from the bank. You will be able to withdraw money and you can also pay stuff with the credit card like cars and then it will be payed through you're bills. The credit card should be a 5 digit number and random for everyones.

Fuel System: I want also a very good fuel system, that dosen't bug and it should be easy to put fuel in the tank. And the maximum fuel should be a 100. There should be a gas station for that.

Thats probably it, and i want all this to be done before may 5th, and i want only experienced scripters for this to go well and if anymore scripters want to help, i will pay you but a lower price lets say 15 dollars.

Payment: 30 Euros per month and a another 30 euros at the end.
It will work like this, you make the script from scratch and show me and i pay all the stuff in total.

Interested well add me or private messages me:



You can edit a "GF" or "GF edit" so it becomes "GF edit edit"

Nah dont want a GF edit, i hate gf edits, i am looking for someone who can do it from scratch

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