[Help] Roleplay server

Allright imjust a begginner and i want to learn how to script a roleplay server so i would really like if you guys could Link me or anything how to make one, Ive ******d and searched everywere

If you just started, you should probably download an already existing script, and try to edit it in as many ways as possible.

Read http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=2750.0 and all the links on that page.

Use the SA-MP Wiki before asking more questions on the forums.

Originally Posted by Jay420
If you just started, you should probably download an already existing script, and try to edit it in as many ways as possible.

Read http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=2750.0 and all the links on that page.

Use the SA-MP Wiki before asking more questions on the forums.

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