Question+Help| MYSQL

What does Mysql help ? its a kind of ucp(User Control Panel)?
And i downloaded the wamp server
and when i click myphpadmin its open a page in explorer and says page is not founded like the adress is wrong
this is the adress http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
any help please ?

are you sure that the apache server is online??
if all servers off the icon in the taskbar is red
if not all servers on the icon in the taskbar is yellow
if all servers on the icon in the taskbar is white

which color do you have

Yellow what the problem

Do You have Skype?
or any one Programm that blocked the Port 80?
or Search if yu change the port from apache server
if color is red server is down
if color is yellow a problem maybe port are blocked
if color is white no problem all ok

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