
I keep getting thees f`s all through my logs but it dose not show anyone is writing them where could them be comming from ?

[05:09:54] [death] SUPARO died 255
[05:09:57] [chat] [Cody_Beer]: oh yea whiskey in the jar XD
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[i]Put in [code] tag next time, or pastebin. My eyes were on fire.

LOL! Funny bug... Try search for "f" or print in your script and see whats there that isn't supposed to be.

Looking now it just started happing about a week ago and it spams my hole logs

Check filterscripts aswell dude. This isn't to do with SAMP but solely on the script.

well looking through my logs i noticed i have printf in some of my commands but when i remove it i get a error ill past the code out of my gm below

pawn Код:
    new reason[128];
    new tmp[256];
    new string[128];
    new idx;
    new giveplayername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    new sendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    if (level[playerid] >= 1)
        tmp = strtok(params, idx);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "USAGE: /mute [playername/id] [reason]");
            return 1;

        new giveplayerid = ReturnUser(tmp);

        if (giveplayerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
          GetPlayerName(giveplayerid, giveplayername, sizeof(giveplayername));
            GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
            reason = bigstrtok(params, idx);
            if(!strlen(reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "USAGE: /mute [playername/id] [reason]");
look here       printf("ADMIN: Admin %s muted %s. Reason: %s", sendername, giveplayername, reason);
            format(string, sizeof(string), "%s was muted by Administrator %s. [Reason: %s ]", giveplayername, sendername, reason);
            SendClientMessageToAll(orange, string);
            new File:ftw=fopen("logs/admin.txt", io_append);
          new string1[128];
          format(string1, 150, "%s\r\n", string);
          fwrite(ftw, string1);
            muted[giveplayerid] = 1;
        else if(giveplayerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
            format(string, sizeof(string), "%d is not an active player.", giveplayerid);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string);
    else SendClientMessage(playerid, blue, "Error: You are either not a admin or you are not a admin with the correct level.");
    return 1;

        print("--------------House Created--------------");
        printf("- Houseid: %d", houseid);
        printf("- Buy Cost: %d", Costa);
        printf("- Sell Cost: %d", Sella);
        printf("- Interior: %d", Interiora);
        printf("- VirtualWorld: %d", virtualworld);
could it be any of them i have about 5 admin commands that say printf

pawn Код:

Printf dosent mean it prints F btw

from what i can see they are the only f`s i only have 2 filter scripts mido stream and objects...

any more ideas on what could cause the f in my logs

really weird bugs and the weirder is that all of them are same time : [05:10:14]
[05:10:14] f 
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
[05:10:14] f
How To Use Vapor Genie

happens on and off in my logs about every 30 min in a day its nothing to get 4gigs of logs from them

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