[Include] [INC] TearGas System

Some of you have seen me on the forums so far, i'm pretty much new to scripting, I'm a c++ coder and a PHP coder, so PAWN is easier for me atm.

I noticed people were releasing scripts here, and I thought, why not make something that isn't in SA-MP, like the teargas feature, so I simply, went into Pawno, and did my thing.

There are some functions I must explain, you can use them to activate the teargas.

native TearGas_OnPlayerConnect(playerid); - Use this to reset a players teargas.
native GivePlayerTearGas(playerid, amount); - Gives the player a certain amount of teargas.
native SetPlayerTearGas(playerid, amount); - Sets the player's teargas amount.
native GetPlayerTearGas(playerid); - Gets a players teargas amount.
Installing is very easy, open up your scripting editor, and add
#include <TearGas.inc>
this will enable you to use the functions, add this under a_samp

I've taken some pictures of the teargas effects etc..

Download available here:

Installation Guide
1: Put #include <TearGas.inc> in your script.
2: Put TearGas_OnPlayerConnect(playerid); in OnPlayerConnect.
3: Put TearGasOnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys); in OnPlayerKeyStateChange
4: If you're not going to use a function at the moment or never put, #pragma unused The Function Name. A example of that is: #pragma unused SetPlayerTearGas

Oh and, I couldn't find the cough animation, I tried my best to do what I can do.
This is my first release, I hope I did good


Originally Posted by speedruntrainer
Thanks. :P

Nice work, but it can be done easily in 2 functions, so it can be done better as more of a snippet, simply with OnPlayerKeyStateChange and then make a second function to initialize the teargas (though it's not that necessary). And it can be done using GetPlayerWeapon, instead of this alternative method you use to give teargas.

Originally Posted by FreddoX [BINMAN
Nice work, but it can be done easily in 2 functions, so it can be done better as more of a snippet, simply with OnPlayerKeyStateChange and then make a second function to initialize the teargas (though it's not that necessary). And it can be done using GetPlayerWeapon, instead of this alternative method you use to give teargas.
I could of used GetPlayerWeapon, I didn't really like giving the players teargas as a weapon, because the amount of effort they throw it can effect the direction and mess up the smoke objects coordinates. I tried my best to make it a different way. Maybe using GetPlayerWeapon, and using GetPlayerWeaponData, can determine the amount of teargas a person has, I will try that out. Thanks for the nice work comment.

Originally Posted by Carlton
Originally Posted by FreddoX [BINMAN
Nice work, but it can be done easily in 2 functions, so it can be done better as more of a snippet, simply with OnPlayerKeyStateChange and then make a second function to initialize the teargas (though it's not that necessary). And it can be done using GetPlayerWeapon, instead of this alternative method you use to give teargas.
I could of used GetPlayerWeapon, I didn't really like giving the players teargas as a weapon, because the amount of effort they throw it can effect the direction and mess up the smoke objects coordinates. I tried my best to make it a different way. Maybe using GetPlayerWeapon, and using GetPlayerWeaponData, can determine the amount of teargas a person has, I will try that out. Thanks for the nice work comment.
No problem, it's excellent for a first release. If you do change it, you should probably change it to a filterscript though.

Originally Posted by Seif_
Not bad. I made my own a long time ago also.
Thanks, is yours released? How did you make yours, with variables and objects or GetPlayerWeapon and GetPlayerWeaponData?

pawn Code:
TearGas[playerid] == amount;
This actually should give you a warning.

Originally Posted by MenaceX^
pawn Code:
TearGas[playerid] == amount;
This actually should give you a warning.
Oops, sorry, a little mistake. Here's a fixed link.

I actually think it's much better to do it with variables only, because since MapAndreas of Kye exists it's much easier to do such things like that one.
Nice, anyway.

Nice. I'll be downloading this and messing around with it. Keep up the nice work, broski,

Originally Posted by Shakur_
Nice. I'll be downloading this and messing around with it. Keep up the nice work, broski,
Thanks for the comment.

Cool system usefull for roleplay servers/scripts

Nice work man

This would come in handy for a S.W.A.T. team on "RP" servers.

Originally Posted by ikarus
Nice work man
Originally Posted by Oxside
Cool system usefull for roleplay servers/scripts

Sorry everyone who had downloaded it, or is using it. If you haven't noticed the bug I forgot to fix about the animation freezing when tear-gas using. It had froze the player after a animation, I re-read the parameters for the function ApplyAnimation, and noticed I forgot to change something. Please re-download.


Nice Work

Thanks I will use it in my CS mod
Well done

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