Settimer witha settimer in it

I was wondering it it is possible to set a settimer inside a event what has a timer to make it happen, what i am trying to do is make the event last for 5 Mintues so every one spawns back to the event after death for 5 min then return to there normal team spawn point at the end of the time.

This is what i have so far but it only spawns players there once.

SetTimer("Event", gRoundTime, 1800000);
forward Event();
public Event()
    switch(random(1)) //could be removed if <= 1
    case 0:
    for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
    switch(random(5)) //random(5) returns a number from 0 till 4 (0, 1, 2, 3 or 4)
    case 0: SetPlayerPos(i, -2188.7241,-238.9776,36.5220);
    case 1: SetPlayerPos(i, -2145.9573,-138.9276,36.5228);
    case 2: SetPlayerPos(i, -2128.0999,-90.8417,35.3203);
    case 3: SetPlayerPos(i, -2131.4326,-156.1735,35.3203);
    case 4: SetPlayerPos(i, -2100.2446,-163.0234,35.3203);
    default: print("ERROR: Undefined teleport!");

yes it is possible

i guess this is one of them secret scripts bits XD

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