Controllable drunk animation?

I used to play on a server that had the drunk animation and somehow we could press W key to change the direction to the direction we had the camera looking in. How is this possible? I've been thinking all the evening now and can't come up with any solution.
I would really appreciate any help. :P

It's just like walking.

I tried your script, Seif, but it didn't work. Nothing happens when I use it. :S I don't get any warnings or errors either.

Sorry for bumping, but I really need help.

Originally Posted by Michael_Sund
I tried your script, Seif, but it didn't work. Nothing happens when I use it. :S I don't get any warnings or errors either.
Are you sure you used the proper command for it?

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	new cmd[256];
	new idx;
	cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
	if(strcmp(cmd, "/drunk", true) == 0)
		SetPlayerWalkingStyle(playerid, 12);
		return 1;
	return 1;
ADDED: Hmm, I just tested again, when I had Simon's debug and the script with this command in I noticed that no commands worked, when I then unloaded the script with this in, the debug commands works, what is causing this? :S

I still need help...

Ps. I'm the one who posted this thread, I accidentaly changed email to one that doesn't work and can't login anymore.

Haha, I found what was wrong! xD It was the applyanimation settings that should have been
Anyway, this has been fixed, thanks anyway!

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