[FilterScript] [FS] Cruise Control by mick88

Hi, I decided to release this as a FS. It's a feature working on my server Convoy Trucking where you can try it ( Filterscript doesn't include Text Draws and works in all vehicles, also bicycles unlike in my server where it's coded into GM and I could add more exceptions, but you can modify the FS if you need.

Now, we all know how impossible it it to keep constant speed within legal limits in computer games when we use keyboard to play. Holding the arrow key will keep accelerating your car to its limits, but what if you want to keep speed of 50 kph? Tapping is not a god solution.
With this script you can cruise at constant speed in any direction.

How to use it?
<install FS, blah, blah, blah>
  • When you are in the car, bring it to required speed and press LCTRL (and hold it)
  • your speed will be remembered and reapplied as long as you hold LCTRL
  • You can release acceleration key, and hold Cruise Control Key only and use arrows to correct direction when needed
  • The Cruise Control Should disengage automatically when your car goes out of control (starts rotating or speed drops by too much)
  • Also handbrake will disengage it
  • Type /CruiseControl to view the instruction in-game
I can't attach any pics or video because it's hard to show how cruise coontrol works on pics/vid but you can check it out on my server (address above).

You may use this filterscript on your server if you keep my credits where they are. You can change the script if you need. Cruise Control key can be easily changed in one variable (LCTRL may interfere with nitro boost key). Remove engage/disengage notifications if you want to, they're only there for you to get a feel of how it works.

Originally Posted by Lookin
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here's the mirror
Video of Cruise Control in use at different speeds:


Very nice release. I tested it on your server. Keep up the good work, bro.

I always hate tapping W when i want to drive slower, great FS.

Damn. This will definitely come in handy if I want to, well, cruise. Thanks!

Very good thing. Thank you. But I did not understand the code. Could you do something like this: Clicked LCTRL and Cruise Control enabled.Another click -CC will turns off.

Originally Posted by Wassup789
Got an update for you,
you should have a command like /cruiseon /cruiseoff .
Thanks, it's easy to edit if you want to use it. I just wanted to make it simple to use for players and I spend most of my time working on my GM so I won't be changing the cruise control for now.

Could you do something like this: Clicked LCTRL and Cruise Control enabled.Another click -CC will turns off.

I considered this too, but again, I just wanted to make it simpler for players to use, maybe i'll make a switch between full-auto mode and manual but later. You can edit that in script too, just remove checking for pressed key in the timer and make an off switch if button is pressed and cruise control is on.
If you get problems with cruise control when steering A/D, use the arrow keys.

Video added

It's nice, but there are some bugs, wich can't be fixxed?
For example when you with the car you can fly


Originally Posted by gummi1337
how do i get that speed meter in the video? send link
I made it myself, but your can find speedometer FS easily, just search it.

mick88, can you pls unban me on the forum

great script man great for cops n robbers or RP servers
this may help a few, if you dont want to hold down the ctrl key
and disable it by hitting driving break
(got permission first to post)


nice work

Awesome work there mick88!
This can especially be usefull for recording NPCs' !

Keep the good work going !

where is the download link? Maybe im just a fool but i dont see it

Originally Posted by -Danny-
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where is the download link? Maybe im just a fool but i dont see it
Me too, I don't see the download link.

New download link to the PWN file, as files weren't transferred with forum changeover:


Note that this code is a bit old already, I scripted it when I was a beginner with pawn, currently my server prevents 'flying cars' thanks to MapAndreas plugin. You may need to optimize it, but it works as it is too

when u release it?

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